SF was bast. I spent all morning yesterday puking before the show. This town is great as Saturday night was incredible.
yeah...........fuck. nice. smile
i cant figure out when the show in Balt. is............i checked the Mojo Room site, but there is nothing on there.......if you know, let me know.......peace.
i have just arrived in SF. It's a fuckin blast. NO UPDATES. Details...fuck you. If you are in SF get in touch.
hey fucker. glad yer havin a great time. if and when you hear anything set in stone about the Balt. show let me know. peace! smile
Seattle. I'm here and about a block away from the club right now. I haven't drank in 3 days, i'm ready for shots. I hope everyone is coming out tonight. I'm going to be fucking out regardless. :-)

it's at The Funhouse kiddies, that's near the space needle and under the monorail.
After a drive to Bismarck and then later to Billings, Montana (David Lynch's hometown) I've arrived in Spokane tonight. I wish i knew somebody here to drink with tonight. The guys have been talking about getting drinks. I remember being in chat with somebody from here. Hmm.

Tomorrow is Seattle. I've been so excited about this show. It's going to be a thousand times...
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Minneapolis was insane. We picked up our CD on the way to the show. It's the first time that we've seen the final product. It was a huge night as just about everyone that has been to the Minneapolis shows were there. Almost all of COWS were there (minus Kevin) and Freddy is in a new band called Seawhores which opened up for us. We...
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Congrats! Sounds like a great tour so far!
Hello. Live from Minneapolis is me. I've just gotten to a place that has a wifi. It looks like the Decemberists are playing in the next room. We are playing at 7th st. entry. Tonight. Last night was great. They even gave us a massive bonus.
awesome! glad to hear youre havin a good tour so far........cant wait for the show in Baltimore. me and my girl will be there. keep rockin on! wink
Minneapolis was insane. We're talking about doing another DVD from this tour right now. We currently have one, but there are so many new songs in the set coenciding with the album release that it might merit another one. There's more of a chance that we might start shooting that in Seattle and move it down the coast. I hope you all came out in Minneapolis. It was fucking nuts. I'm still gettting sleep from it and it was the day before yesterday.

Right now we are on the road to Seattle and the Funhouse. I can't wait. This part of the country is beautiful, but when we hit northern Idaho, man that is wonderful.
I'm feeling a bit human today, It seems like i've been hungover for 2 days now. Tonight we are in Detroit with the Demolition Doll Rods. It's going to be fuckin nuts. I love Detroit. It's so fuckin decadent.
Hope you enjoy yourself, if you meet anyone from Livonia please smack them for me. I had some... unpleasantness there. surreal
I'm always doing this when i wake up and have jack shit to say about the day. Yesterday was mellow. I was at work and banging shit out fast. I want nothing to be on my plate while i'm gone. I also just want to get the fuck out of here and hit the fuckin road.

I need some renters insurance. First stop after going...
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yea, post the fuckin shows already! biggrin
are you playing w/the apes at the Mojo in Baltimore?
my buddy came into town last night. I'm still hammered and i have to go to work I think. It's Columbus Day, but we all go in. I'm still not sure though. There are still plenty of things that I would like to do to get ready for the tour.
hmmm. the clock is ticking and we are about to go away. In one week, we start the tour. I'm at home right now getting things taken care of before having to leave. There's a are a number of bills that have to be paid. I need to get some indestructible pants. I have to got sit with a friend tonight as a person comes...
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Hi mystery friend. Dead Can Dance were great, were they not!?
Good luck man, I hope you enjoy every minute of it.