I'm feeling a bit somber. I've been nursing the idea that i've been in a relationship for a long time. I guess i was in denial about breaking up. She said she wanted to break up a long time ago, yet we spend a lot of time together kissing and hugging still. I personally think she just needs to get the fuck over herself, but...
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there used to be a cocktail named after me, it was corn whiskey and sundrop. and boiled peanuts are the best.

good luck with your love life.
what's with the dating? you're god...go get laid, then continue with the laying, stir in a pinch of dvds, a pinch of pizza, a dash of conversation...bake 3-4 times a week...voila, relationship sans actual dating...it's what all the wanna be kidz are doing... tongue
I'm not feeling as ill today. I'm about to go into work in a minute. I don't feel up to it but i have to try. I feel very business casual today, but i don't own any "business casual" clothes. It's either what i wear or dress up. I feel to young to worry about this and to old not to care. i just want...
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Happy Birthday!! It's weird how a number/day can make you think so hard about what you've accomplished or haven't yet. I love the fall as well I'm glad it's almost here. miao!!
It is done. Tonight we put the final touch on the new Heroine Sheiks album. It has been three years since the last one came out. Those three years have literally been filled with blood, sweat, and tears. Honestly its a story that I don't know where to begin. I'm going to wait just a tad longer to tell it though.
It is done. Tonight we put the final touch on the new Heroine Sheiks album. It has been three years since the last one came out. Those three years have literally been filled with blood, sweat, and tears. Honestly its a story that I don't know where to begin. I am going to keep my mouth shut until it's finally been released though.
I have no life right now. I got in bed at 4 last night and am getting up at 8 - 4 hours of sleep. I have to practice later today. I have to skip an appointment as well. Tomorrow's show is going to be the best vent of this summer cabin fever that I have right now.

We've started to make some headway into...
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I nicknamed myself "Bail' once because i had a habit of leaving right the second before things would get good. I would line up something to happen and then leave right before reaping what i had sewn.

It's been 5 years ago this month that i came to New York and so much has happened to me and frankly so little. These thoughts are a...
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Hella sucks but I know how you feel.
Now that you realize the situation, you can take steps toward some of your goals. smile
decay of the soul. decay of spirit. spit of the aged body of a human past the point of exhuberance. nothing but a crock of old sweat glands pushing forth bacteria of thirty years
day two of recording what you might call "a punk rock album" or a "noise album." I'd like to think of it as "The must have conpanion to Led Zepplin IV."
the morning after shots. actually, i feel fine. i went to bed late and i'm feeling relatively mellow right now. I don't want to go to work today, but then again who does.
Yeah, jeebus loved work. What Would Jeebus Do, man? WHAT WOULD HE DO? OH GOD IM SO SCARED.
Don't ever ferget about Jeebus.