So, today was ok. I met a new girl a couple weeks ago, and went to see her where she works friday. We talked when she wasn't busy and she is really cool and interesting. She left for Africa today, to visit her sis, who is in the Peace Corps. I'm bumed cause I won't get to see her till around the first.
After my last relasionship, I was emotionally fucked up. I then ended up trying internet dating and that was very disheartining. every woman I met had mirepresented herself, and I still had lingering feelings for my ex. Those feelings disappeared a few weeks ago and that is when the cloud lifted. Now I have met someone interesting who thinks I'm cute, and interesting too.
So hopefully all will work out well, wish me luck
After my last relasionship, I was emotionally fucked up. I then ended up trying internet dating and that was very disheartining. every woman I met had mirepresented herself, and I still had lingering feelings for my ex. Those feelings disappeared a few weeks ago and that is when the cloud lifted. Now I have met someone interesting who thinks I'm cute, and interesting too.
So hopefully all will work out well, wish me luck

stick to the real world I reckon.
good luck with this one