Sunflowers are such a beautiful flower.
Quick sunflower facts:
-The entirety of a sunflower is edible. Their leaves, stalks, and roots can all be used as food, and were grown in North America before other crops like corn became common. They were milled to create flour, and their seeds roasted and eaten.
-Young sunflowers follow the sun all day, and then reset their position at night to be ready for sunrise. Once fully grown, they stay facing east to attract bees and other pollinators.
-On average, sunflowers grow to be between 6 to 10 feet, but they can grow much taller. The tallest sunflower ever recorded was 30 feet.
-Sunflowers can absorb toxins, including toxic metals and radiation. Following the nuclear disasters of Chernobyl and Fukushima, scientists planted millions of sunflowers to help those areas recover.
They are remarkable plants!
Credits: Walking Nature