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- on Love A Hopeful Week Nominations! 💜 in everything sg
Sunflowers are such a beautiful flower.
Quick sunflower facts:
-The entirety of a sunflower is edible. Their leaves, stalks, and roots can all be used as food, and were grown in North America before other crops like corn became common. They were milled to create flour, and their seeds roasted and eaten.
-Young sunflowers follow the sun all day, and then reset their position at
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August, 1981
25 Songs:
01: “Video Killed The Radio Star” by The Buggles
02: “You Better Run" by Pat Benatar
03: “She Won't Dance With Me" by Rod Stewart
04: “You Better You Bet" by The Who
05: "Little Suzi's On The Up" by Ph. D.
06: "We Don't Talk Anymore" by Cliff Richard
07: “Brass In...
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If you could choose which planet to live on, which would you choose?
For those who like Foreigner...this is pretty cool.
I love all kinds of music and I always like when I come across some great violin tunes.
I want to highlight a Hopeful I've met recently...@lanaisonfire. Lana is very energetic and has a great smile and her laugh is contagious.
Lana has been a Hopeful since November 2023. Lana is a beautiful Brazilian beauty. She loves music, sunny days, nature, coffee and her three cats.
Lana enjoys...a good talk, dancing and having fun (join her SG live stream and you'll see what
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