I never really told the Suzanne story, and since it had a really wicked development, I guess nows a better time than any.
I first met Suzanne when Scott and I drove down here in his car the first week of October. We drove for 3 days and met Barry and Suzanne in Orlando at the Turnpike Service Center. She lived in Tampa and Barry lives here in Boynton. They met on the phone. She was his representative for his PEO for PDC. They had a long distance relationship for a couple months.
Suzanne stayed in Boynton the weekend we arrived and drove me around to see the area that Monday. She was really sweet and told me she was thinking on moving to Boynton Dec 1. I thought that was cool and then I'd have a friend here.
I flew back home that day and Scott stayed on to work a few weeks before we were to pack and move down. 2 weeks later, Scott flew back up and we packed and prepared to move. During that time (end of October), Suzanne moved into Barry's house. It was a little earlier than she said, but oh well.
We came down to FLA on November 1. We moved into Barry's house temporarily until we could find our own place. We were told we could stay for 2-3 months, which would be good since we could save $$. that's where the trouble started.
At first, things were missing, then I'd find them in weird places (ex. dog leash inside empty cooler). We bought some groceries. Barry gave us a cabinet to use for our groceries, so I put them away. Went out a few hours later and the stuff was moved. Then they started fighting. Barry and Suzanne had yelling matches and she would storm out. Then she stopped talking to me...and I didn't know why. Then she started glaring at me. Apparently, she was mad because we were staying there, at HER house. And she was mad because our 6 pound Maltese, who never peed on anything, or chewed up anything, or bit anyone, or cause any other trouble was allowed in the living room.
She had a 35 pound dog that had recently been put to sleep. When she had brought it to Barry's house, the first thing it did was lift it's leg on his recliner, then growled and snapped at Barry. So Barry wanted it gated in the kitchen. She thought Dexter should have the same rules.
After much exhaustive fighting on their part, I was told to keep Dexter and all of our stuff (and essentially myself) in our bedroom. I was a prisoner. If I came out to watch TV, she came over and changed the station. She refused to talk to me and glared at me if I got a glass of water. I would wash our dishes and she would rewash them and tell Barry I wasn't cleaning up after myself. She didn't want to see Dexter because he reminded her of her dead dog.
One morning, we got up early and Scott was getting ready for work. Barry and Suzanne hadn't gotten up yet. I went out and made coffee for us and them. A little while later, Suzanne stomped out of Barry's room. Grabbed the coffee pot and dumped it. Started crying and went on the patio to smoke. Barry went to find out what was wrong and she stomped into the bedroom, slammed the door, and screamed at him, "They are not to touch the coffee pot!!!"
That was the last straw. I hadn't said anything to her up to that point and I wasn't going to. But I also wasn't going to live in those conditions anymore, considering:
-We moved down there because Barry wanted Scott to work at his company.
-We uprooted our entire lives, quit my job, left our friends and family, broke our lease, to move to a strange place where we knew no one.
-We were promised a place to live until we got settled.
-That was Barry's condo...not hers. She had only moved there 2 weeks before we did and had told me it was temporary until she got her own apartment.
-We had none of our own possessions as they were all in storage.
-She was a crazy psychotic Bitch!
Oh hell no! There could have been a crazy, hair pulling, pj shirt ripping cat fight right there, but I decided to take the adult road (sorry boys). I got on the internet, found an adequate apartment, signed the lease the next day, and we moved in that weekend. We got the keys on November 10. We had arrived at Barry's on November 3. We lasted 7 days with that super bitch.
Meanwhile, Barry's parents didn't approve of Suzanne moving in, so he lied to them (they are paying Barry's rent). They were coming for thanksgiving, so, Suzanne had to go. Which pist Suzanne off (understandably). She went to Chicago where she has family (mainly because they had been fighting so bad).
Rewind a few weeks. Barry, in a moment of sheer insanity bought a 1.02 carat diamond ring for $5000...which Suzanne was wearing...in Chicago. Keep in mind that they've know each other since August.
So Suzanne is in Chicago, with a hefty piece of real estate and his credit card, planning to return after the new year. Barry's neighbor Jason asks him to go the bar and get a beer. Suzanne is so pist about that since she thinks Barry shouldn't leave his house except to go to work until she gets back. So she threatens to fuck another guy. Day after day, they fight on the phone, until all of a sudden she's on a plane to Palm Beach Int. She arrived last Friday.
He wants to end it. They spend all weekend fighting. He gets his ring back and his credit card back. Monday comes along. Scott picks him up for work since they carpool. Suzanne takes his GTO to Miami without his permission. Picks up 2 guys. They run a train on her in the backseat. She goes into the ocean fully clothed, rolls around in the sand and gets back in the car. Then she calls Barry, tells her what she did, and says he's never going to see his precious car again. He calls the police and reports his car stolen and takes Scott's car home. The police meet him there and then he gets a phone call from his home line. She had parked in the back of the building and snuck in. He tells the police to go and goes in to talk to her. She tells him that she talked to Beth for 2 hours and knows everything.
Let's talk about Beth. Beth is the love of Barry's life, but she won't commit. She lives in Minnesota, just graduated and wants to work on her career before she marries Barry. In the mean time, Barry and Beth are free to see other people, without jealousy, but they still love each other and talk regularly. Beth knows about Suzanne.
Suzanne just pulled the oldest trick in the book. Barry confesses. Suzanne beats the shit out of him. He won't hit her back. Barricaded in his room, Barry calls Ryan and Scott and tells them what's going on. Ryan and Scott bust out of work and head over there...with the police. Barry tells the police what happened and they arrest Suzanne for domestic violence. She has 2 priors.
After the sand settled, we went over there last night. Barry's car keys are missing. Suzanne said she threw them in his room. We tore his room apart. There are no keys. We tore his condo apart. Nothing. He believes she stashed them outside somewhere for future use. He has a spare, but there is still a key floating around somewhere. And on the same ring is the key to Ryan's jag.
I first met Suzanne when Scott and I drove down here in his car the first week of October. We drove for 3 days and met Barry and Suzanne in Orlando at the Turnpike Service Center. She lived in Tampa and Barry lives here in Boynton. They met on the phone. She was his representative for his PEO for PDC. They had a long distance relationship for a couple months.
Suzanne stayed in Boynton the weekend we arrived and drove me around to see the area that Monday. She was really sweet and told me she was thinking on moving to Boynton Dec 1. I thought that was cool and then I'd have a friend here.
I flew back home that day and Scott stayed on to work a few weeks before we were to pack and move down. 2 weeks later, Scott flew back up and we packed and prepared to move. During that time (end of October), Suzanne moved into Barry's house. It was a little earlier than she said, but oh well.
We came down to FLA on November 1. We moved into Barry's house temporarily until we could find our own place. We were told we could stay for 2-3 months, which would be good since we could save $$. that's where the trouble started.
At first, things were missing, then I'd find them in weird places (ex. dog leash inside empty cooler). We bought some groceries. Barry gave us a cabinet to use for our groceries, so I put them away. Went out a few hours later and the stuff was moved. Then they started fighting. Barry and Suzanne had yelling matches and she would storm out. Then she stopped talking to me...and I didn't know why. Then she started glaring at me. Apparently, she was mad because we were staying there, at HER house. And she was mad because our 6 pound Maltese, who never peed on anything, or chewed up anything, or bit anyone, or cause any other trouble was allowed in the living room.
She had a 35 pound dog that had recently been put to sleep. When she had brought it to Barry's house, the first thing it did was lift it's leg on his recliner, then growled and snapped at Barry. So Barry wanted it gated in the kitchen. She thought Dexter should have the same rules.
After much exhaustive fighting on their part, I was told to keep Dexter and all of our stuff (and essentially myself) in our bedroom. I was a prisoner. If I came out to watch TV, she came over and changed the station. She refused to talk to me and glared at me if I got a glass of water. I would wash our dishes and she would rewash them and tell Barry I wasn't cleaning up after myself. She didn't want to see Dexter because he reminded her of her dead dog.
One morning, we got up early and Scott was getting ready for work. Barry and Suzanne hadn't gotten up yet. I went out and made coffee for us and them. A little while later, Suzanne stomped out of Barry's room. Grabbed the coffee pot and dumped it. Started crying and went on the patio to smoke. Barry went to find out what was wrong and she stomped into the bedroom, slammed the door, and screamed at him, "They are not to touch the coffee pot!!!"
That was the last straw. I hadn't said anything to her up to that point and I wasn't going to. But I also wasn't going to live in those conditions anymore, considering:
-We moved down there because Barry wanted Scott to work at his company.
-We uprooted our entire lives, quit my job, left our friends and family, broke our lease, to move to a strange place where we knew no one.
-We were promised a place to live until we got settled.
-That was Barry's condo...not hers. She had only moved there 2 weeks before we did and had told me it was temporary until she got her own apartment.
-We had none of our own possessions as they were all in storage.
-She was a crazy psychotic Bitch!
Oh hell no! There could have been a crazy, hair pulling, pj shirt ripping cat fight right there, but I decided to take the adult road (sorry boys). I got on the internet, found an adequate apartment, signed the lease the next day, and we moved in that weekend. We got the keys on November 10. We had arrived at Barry's on November 3. We lasted 7 days with that super bitch.
Meanwhile, Barry's parents didn't approve of Suzanne moving in, so he lied to them (they are paying Barry's rent). They were coming for thanksgiving, so, Suzanne had to go. Which pist Suzanne off (understandably). She went to Chicago where she has family (mainly because they had been fighting so bad).
Rewind a few weeks. Barry, in a moment of sheer insanity bought a 1.02 carat diamond ring for $5000...which Suzanne was wearing...in Chicago. Keep in mind that they've know each other since August.
So Suzanne is in Chicago, with a hefty piece of real estate and his credit card, planning to return after the new year. Barry's neighbor Jason asks him to go the bar and get a beer. Suzanne is so pist about that since she thinks Barry shouldn't leave his house except to go to work until she gets back. So she threatens to fuck another guy. Day after day, they fight on the phone, until all of a sudden she's on a plane to Palm Beach Int. She arrived last Friday.
He wants to end it. They spend all weekend fighting. He gets his ring back and his credit card back. Monday comes along. Scott picks him up for work since they carpool. Suzanne takes his GTO to Miami without his permission. Picks up 2 guys. They run a train on her in the backseat. She goes into the ocean fully clothed, rolls around in the sand and gets back in the car. Then she calls Barry, tells her what she did, and says he's never going to see his precious car again. He calls the police and reports his car stolen and takes Scott's car home. The police meet him there and then he gets a phone call from his home line. She had parked in the back of the building and snuck in. He tells the police to go and goes in to talk to her. She tells him that she talked to Beth for 2 hours and knows everything.
Let's talk about Beth. Beth is the love of Barry's life, but she won't commit. She lives in Minnesota, just graduated and wants to work on her career before she marries Barry. In the mean time, Barry and Beth are free to see other people, without jealousy, but they still love each other and talk regularly. Beth knows about Suzanne.
Suzanne just pulled the oldest trick in the book. Barry confesses. Suzanne beats the shit out of him. He won't hit her back. Barricaded in his room, Barry calls Ryan and Scott and tells them what's going on. Ryan and Scott bust out of work and head over there...with the police. Barry tells the police what happened and they arrest Suzanne for domestic violence. She has 2 priors.
After the sand settled, we went over there last night. Barry's car keys are missing. Suzanne said she threw them in his room. We tore his room apart. There are no keys. We tore his condo apart. Nothing. He believes she stashed them outside somewhere for future use. He has a spare, but there is still a key floating around somewhere. And on the same ring is the key to Ryan's jag.
Sorry you had to be in the middle but you did the right thing and removed yourself from that environment. But there is a part of me that wishes you would have slugged her.
Hope all is going well in your new apt.