Here is a reprint of an email I sent to all my fam/friends yesterday. It pretty much sums up what new.
Hello Everyone!
As you may have heard, Scott and I have recently moved to Boynton Beach, FL. We are settling in quite nicely and have found a nice apartment (yes, it has a guest room). Last week I spent a great deal of time unpacking. Scott's been working 12-16 hour days and is generally exhausted. Work is going good for him, though, and now it has brought us to Manchester, New Hampshire (1 hour north of Boston) for the week.
I'm spending my week doing to solo tourist thing. So far, I've seen the See Science Center which had a very cool lego replica of the city of Manchester, NH. It had more that 3 million lego pieces and took over 2 years to build. I also visited the Fishways which is a dam that has steps for the salmon to go upstream. During spawning season, they have an underwater viewing area. I went to the Mall of New Hampshire, which is like any other mall, and finally, this morning I went on the Budweiser tour. I got to see the brewery and the Clydesdales and sampled a few of their beers. It snowed today, which makes this beautiful area look like a postcard. I should be going to a place called America's Stonehenge tomorrow and plan to visit the Millyard Museum as well. We will be having Thanksgiving dinner at a country club near our hotel. On Friday, we will be flying back to Florida.
I am coming back to Michigan for a few weeks during the holidays and I will probably begin looking for a job after the new year. Here is our new address, just in case you don't have it yet: ********************** Boynton Beach, FL 33436. Both Scott's and my cell phone number is the same. That's all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving!
Scott got out early today, so we went to Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth. Then we drove to the Hamptons and had lobster at Ray's Seafood. Now we're going swimming as soon as Scott gets off WOW.
Hello Everyone!
As you may have heard, Scott and I have recently moved to Boynton Beach, FL. We are settling in quite nicely and have found a nice apartment (yes, it has a guest room). Last week I spent a great deal of time unpacking. Scott's been working 12-16 hour days and is generally exhausted. Work is going good for him, though, and now it has brought us to Manchester, New Hampshire (1 hour north of Boston) for the week.
I'm spending my week doing to solo tourist thing. So far, I've seen the See Science Center which had a very cool lego replica of the city of Manchester, NH. It had more that 3 million lego pieces and took over 2 years to build. I also visited the Fishways which is a dam that has steps for the salmon to go upstream. During spawning season, they have an underwater viewing area. I went to the Mall of New Hampshire, which is like any other mall, and finally, this morning I went on the Budweiser tour. I got to see the brewery and the Clydesdales and sampled a few of their beers. It snowed today, which makes this beautiful area look like a postcard. I should be going to a place called America's Stonehenge tomorrow and plan to visit the Millyard Museum as well. We will be having Thanksgiving dinner at a country club near our hotel. On Friday, we will be flying back to Florida.
I am coming back to Michigan for a few weeks during the holidays and I will probably begin looking for a job after the new year. Here is our new address, just in case you don't have it yet: ********************** Boynton Beach, FL 33436. Both Scott's and my cell phone number is the same. That's all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving!
Scott got out early today, so we went to Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth. Then we drove to the Hamptons and had lobster at Ray's Seafood. Now we're going swimming as soon as Scott gets off WOW.
your welcome