I was walking down the street the other day and I noticed a puzzle piece laying on the ground. I thought "....someone somewhere has an incomplete puzzle." Then I noticed that every other step I took there was another puzzle piece. Was someone trying to tell me something? Are these pieces that have been scattered to the wind ment for me? Am I supposed to pick up those pieces? Pick up the pieces to what exactly? Once I did, what the hell would I do with them? There have been so many times I have just picked up the pieces, pieces of puzzles that were not even mine, pieces of dreams, of lives, of fate, of hope and carried on. Carried the weight of so much of the world on my shoulders. I have done enough. I left them there. The question still remains...why? Why are those pieces there? A glimps of someone else's life that had fallen apart? Thrown away? Shattered to bits? All of the above? I attribute the symbolic meaning of the puzzle pieces to something specific in my life, but still I leave then there. I leave them and walk on to my destination satisfied that I no longer have to carry anymore burden. Not for me! Not for any body else either! I left them there for whom they belong. For the one who must take ownership of those pieces and do for themselves. I blessed them with positivity and I left them. It felt good.