Ah... another Friday with jackshit to do. The Casa Ole folks are laying low... we have a wedding to go to tomorrow.

Went to my graduate orientation today. Didn't really meet anyone, but I did manage to break the antenna on my effing phone. Damn't.

I'm hoping to meet some new people once school starts up, cause I really only get to know the people...
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Feeling a little run down this weekend. My first Grad orientation is this Friday and I think its getting to me. That and I really want an apartment. This living at home again is cheap, but kinda cramped.
I think I'm beginning to understand why Harry Potter is so popular with the teenage girl crowd. Good toy marketing. Oddly enough, according to Amazon its not so popular with young boys. I wonder why?
I was "talked to" today about going out to bars with people I supervise. While I understand that there *could* be issues, I know better then to date or fool around with anyone I supervise. Thats just asking for trouble. But seriously is it really that bad to go drinking with em? I mean they're closer to my age then anyone else in the office....
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Yeah so sometimes I do this weird thing when I sleep where the muscles on one side of my body contract. They get increasingly tight while I sleep and when I wake up I have all sorts of pulled and sore muscles and I'm tired as shit. Plus I always pull my neck so it hurts to do pretty much anything. The only way my...
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Hi there! I know people in college station! I have some pix in my folder of a toga party there even! How fun...nice little town. Just wanted to say hi! smile
Thanks for the input. I am looking hard...I really should get back into the office mode but it is hard to find something close to home. Hope you are having a good day!