Sooo... this whole grad school and fulltime job thing kinda blows. I may be unemployed when next semester rolls around. Anyways, I'm not really in a typing mood so...
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 15, 2006
Yeah, So I'm working a maintenance job now so I can go to grad school… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
Yeah... I've spent all my ranting for the week. Anyways, I'mn quitti… -
Sunday Dec 04, 2005
I can't wait for the end of the semester, but next week I'm off to Di… -
Wednesday Oct 19, 2005
The 'stros are going to the World Series. How frickin' cool is that?… -
Sunday Oct 02, 2005
Went to a graduate BBQ tonight, then we watched some horror movies in… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
Sooo... this whole grad school and fulltime job thing kinda blows. I … -
Thursday Sep 15, 2005
There are some people who really scare me. They're not criminals, bu… -
Monday Sep 05, 2005
Back from another bachelor party for yet another friend getting marri… -
Tuesday Aug 30, 2005
Ahhhh... First two days of grad school are done. I think my brain is… -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
Work was hell today. Getting there sucked, the morning sucked, my lu…