Back from another bachelor party for yet another friend getting married. I was the designated drunk wrangler tonight so I now have a bitch of a headache and the feeling that I'm a complete social retard. I'm happy my friends are getting married and all but it makes me wonder: "If these fuckers can get married how come I can't even date?" Seriously, the bachelor was in danger of being killed by his friends as he weirded out every girl he talked to in his drunkeness. I'd like to say the drunkeness was the cause, but I've seen him in action sober adn I know his dating history, and it is most definately NOT the alcohol. Tonight I watched him and wondered how the hell is he getting married and yet I am seriously as far from it as one can possibly be. Ah fuck it. 'Nuff bitching. I'm calling it a night; I've vented enough.
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