Yeah, So I'm working a maintenance job now so I can go to grad school fulltime, but its back to being po' (or po'er) but as my luck would have it I got a sinus infection right before my insurance ran out. Don't know if thats good luck or not. Anyways. For more pointless info, tune in later.
Yeah... I've spent all my ranting for the week. Anyways, I'mn quitting my job and going to grad school fulltime. I will however be resuming my old maintence job. That jobs not too bad, I fix thinks and only have a slightly higher chance of dying of cancer.
I can't wait for the end of the semester, but next week I'm off to Disney World!
The 'stros are going to the World Series. How frickin' cool is that?
I can't wait for the end of the semester, but next week I'm off to Disney World!
Went to a graduate BBQ tonight, then we watched some horror movies in the barn, and now I have a bitch of a headache from the beer. Its kinda sad; apparently I'm mildly allergic to hops so every now and then I get a head ache, or, if I drink an IPA, my system gets so depressed my heart and breathing slows almost to a...
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Sooo... this whole grad school and fulltime job thing kinda blows. I may be unemployed when next semester rolls around. Anyways, I'm not really in a typing mood so...
There are some people who really scare me. They're not criminals, but they're the people who will one day be in a position to make a lot of people miserable. I met another one of them today.
Back from another bachelor party for yet another friend getting married. I was the designated drunk wrangler tonight so I now have a bitch of a headache and the feeling that I'm a complete social retard. I'm happy my friends are getting married and all but it makes me wonder: "If these fuckers can get married how come I can't even date?" Seriously, the bachelor...
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Ahhhh... First two days of grad school are done. I think my brain is gonna turn to jelly by the end of semester. I'm still pretty excited about it though. Hopefully I'll get an idea of what I want to focus on.
Work was hell today. Getting there sucked, the morning sucked, my lunch went bad, and then we had a meeting that was less then pleasant. There seems to be a major misconception with what goes on in my department, no one wants to do our job but everyone sure as hell wants to tell else how we should do it.

So I went and bought...
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Ah... another Friday with jackshit to do. The Casa Ole folks are laying low... we have a wedding to go to tomorrow.

Went to my graduate orientation today. Didn't really meet anyone, but I did manage to break the antenna on my effing phone. Damn't.

I'm hoping to meet some new people once school starts up, cause I really only get to know the people...
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Feeling a little run down this weekend. My first Grad orientation is this Friday and I think its getting to me. That and I really want an apartment. This living at home again is cheap, but kinda cramped.