I'm writing this to thank you all for your support !!

I know that my set is not as much beautiful and well done as the others, so I'm happy to read your comments, thank you very very much !! kisskiss

I'll make another set, with another photographer. This time I'll be more mature ! I already tought about the theme, maybe someting about vampire but...
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I enjoyed your set. You are lovely!
RP is like writing fan fictions together or writing with your very own characters. Yes I cosplay too, I am obsessed with it and do it within my own house just for the hell of it. I can show you some cosplay pics xD

I loved your set!

Um, did you upload it in the wrong order perhaps? It might get more rates and stuff if it goes from clothed to naked instead of clothed to naked to clothed to naked. Hehe.
Hi there !

I started uploading pictures of me. There are two albums:

- Cosplay : For people who don't know, cosplay is when somebody creates the costume of a character from a film, a game, a manga, etc...

- Cyber : I define myself as a cybergoth. I really love dressing like that, so I want to show you this style.

Please tell me...
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So what's your favorite anime? smile
I loved it!!!kiss