Today I'd like to do a special blog post for some precious girls.
There is a lot of pretty french hopeful. So much love french hopeful girls deserve more love because they are unique and awesome. I would to present them.
I met this beautiful girl the last year. I did her second set for Suicide Girls , did you have already check her perfect body ! Oh my god *o*
So much funny moments with her and it is not finished.
She joined Suicide Girls the last year :) I did her second set for Suicide Girls. She has angel hair a doll body, you can't resist ;p
My babe is an amazing girl. So strong and fighting against body shaming and nastiness. I met her 3 years ago and always be here when I felt bad and sad.
How can you explain that this babe isn't pink yet ? She's the best loved French hopeful ! All her sets have so much success. She perfectly represents what I expect from Suicide Girls
I recently met this girl and I find it awesome ! She is so funny and attentive. Always here to talk a lot of bullshit xD Happy to meet her !
This girl is so perfect ! Her body was sculpt by gods *o* I spent a week-end with her this summer and I regret to do not meet her before ! Keep the same <3
Today is her birthday , please give her so much love ! <3
This babe is my real love on this community. I miss her everyday. She has true values and real fights. You have to check her !
This girl is the gentlest and kindest babe I have ever met ! Her smile make you happy:) Give her more love !
I love this girl so much for her kindness and sweetness. She's very attentive for others. A beautiful mom and a precious friend <3
One of the best loved french hopeful ! She was amazing and isn't pink yet :O Look at her perfect last sets , give more love for this perfect doll !
This amazing woman deserve more love than anyone here. It allowed some girls to realize their dreams : join Suicide Girls. She is an incredible photographer but a pretty woman above all ! Please give her love.
Please @missy & @rambo these girls deserve so much love <3
Toutes ces beautés <3
@miyumiyu mais t'es trop chouuuu <3