Ok.....I need to get this out of my system........If you don't get it, well get over it! This is a Sisu write for ten minutes straight to pull out all ideas from her several over-taxed right lobe (dumbass) So this may make sense or may not.....I just need to write somewhere and here is where I'm going to shove it.....
Ready get set.....
Icosahedron is a 20 sided polygon also known as a platonic solid. Interestingly enough, Plato symbolized each of the platonic solids with an element. This one representing water. Scary stuff...get to it in a minute......
Rudolph Laban, the creator Labannotation, a notation system for dance, used the icosahedron to notate the angles and curvature of the body when moving. Using the angles and lines of this polygon, he created movement "scales" that acted as framework to notate dance and also meaure it mathematically. Looking at the icosahedron in it's two and three dimensional form is where the fun really starts. Colour in the squares and triangles of the icosi either creates patterns in 2 dimensions or makes it change its representation in 3 dimensions. It's like colouring in pictures of tesselations and making cool patterns in art class. If you flatten it by ungluing all its annexes, it creates a repeating tesselation. It's all how you look at things.......
So take the body and stick it inside the icosi and you can slice down the movement space into levels, angles, arcs, points, axis. This is the precision that is driving my brain to distraction. By melding two worlds together, I am seeing dance in frames or in animated lines.....I can look at what I am doing and see it in animation, in stills, and motion represented in line drawings. I'm not seeing a representation of the dance as that. I'm seeing THE dance as that. What is absolutely driving me bezerk is that the precision of the movement I can see. I can recreate it in my head as something other than it's original form and then take it back into dance. The limitations of the human body are maddening and I find myself repeating even the simplest movement until it matches what I require in frames and arcs. Picture this, the slice of a hand arcing through space, it curves downward from an extended position. The shoulder girdle aligns itself parallel to the floor when the hand reaches it's final destination. All moments of the body are held and move with the arm as it passes, creating an arc slicing downard through space.....time is slowed to a heartbeat and the other arm arcs upwards on an opposite angle to mirror its other.
Oh blah.... that somehow touches on it....maybe. Thank god I can interpret through body. I think words are lacking........
So back to Plato's water symbology. I fell on this tidbit in my journies. Without knowing this, I used images of water and snow in my dances. Water, light, energy, polygons, tesselation, snow, wings, dust, moths, angels .....In the bible the chapters on the arch angels are fascinating, especially the whole fallen angel, war and what not. Very cool stuff..... anyway certain angels often symbolize certain things as well and there are hierarchies of angels and so on. If you map out the hierarchies and levels of all these different celestial beings they start linking up mathematically with these polygons.
Anyway....my ten minutes is up and my eyes are starting not to track the print on this white screen very well.
What a crazy journey I am on......
Hope this makes sense because I am not correcting tracking errors right now.....
Ready get set.....
Icosahedron is a 20 sided polygon also known as a platonic solid. Interestingly enough, Plato symbolized each of the platonic solids with an element. This one representing water. Scary stuff...get to it in a minute......
Rudolph Laban, the creator Labannotation, a notation system for dance, used the icosahedron to notate the angles and curvature of the body when moving. Using the angles and lines of this polygon, he created movement "scales" that acted as framework to notate dance and also meaure it mathematically. Looking at the icosahedron in it's two and three dimensional form is where the fun really starts. Colour in the squares and triangles of the icosi either creates patterns in 2 dimensions or makes it change its representation in 3 dimensions. It's like colouring in pictures of tesselations and making cool patterns in art class. If you flatten it by ungluing all its annexes, it creates a repeating tesselation. It's all how you look at things.......
So take the body and stick it inside the icosi and you can slice down the movement space into levels, angles, arcs, points, axis. This is the precision that is driving my brain to distraction. By melding two worlds together, I am seeing dance in frames or in animated lines.....I can look at what I am doing and see it in animation, in stills, and motion represented in line drawings. I'm not seeing a representation of the dance as that. I'm seeing THE dance as that. What is absolutely driving me bezerk is that the precision of the movement I can see. I can recreate it in my head as something other than it's original form and then take it back into dance. The limitations of the human body are maddening and I find myself repeating even the simplest movement until it matches what I require in frames and arcs. Picture this, the slice of a hand arcing through space, it curves downward from an extended position. The shoulder girdle aligns itself parallel to the floor when the hand reaches it's final destination. All moments of the body are held and move with the arm as it passes, creating an arc slicing downard through space.....time is slowed to a heartbeat and the other arm arcs upwards on an opposite angle to mirror its other.
Oh blah.... that somehow touches on it....maybe. Thank god I can interpret through body. I think words are lacking........
So back to Plato's water symbology. I fell on this tidbit in my journies. Without knowing this, I used images of water and snow in my dances. Water, light, energy, polygons, tesselation, snow, wings, dust, moths, angels .....In the bible the chapters on the arch angels are fascinating, especially the whole fallen angel, war and what not. Very cool stuff..... anyway certain angels often symbolize certain things as well and there are hierarchies of angels and so on. If you map out the hierarchies and levels of all these different celestial beings they start linking up mathematically with these polygons.
Anyway....my ten minutes is up and my eyes are starting not to track the print on this white screen very well.
What a crazy journey I am on......
Hope this makes sense because I am not correcting tracking errors right now.....
As for your entry, thanks it's very interesting! I'm picturing what you've said and it makes some sense to me. As to the limitations of the human body... unfortunately that's what we're stuck with. I used to compose really complex piano pieces in my head, and it would drive me nuts when I couldn't actually play them. We need to be able to work with what we have, to create within our own limitations.
Have you read any St. Thomas Aquinas writings? He talked a good bit about numerical and mathematical significance in biblical writing, based on your last paragraph you might find it interesting (Summa Theologica is his major work.)
And don't worry about the arty mess in your house. Those are good messes - creative droppings, as it were.
Thank you for being such a beautiful part of my SG experience.