Well....my face is FROZEN and my lip feels like something off of a cartoon. I was at the dentist from 11:30-3. All my temporaries are in place and I have perfect teeth! Yay! The actuals get put in in two weeks..... Right now I would give goobery kisses!
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 28, 2009
My car got hit today while parked. The passenger side door is totally… -
Friday Oct 19, 2007
So I'm at home on my "suedo" holidays. I get most of the day off but … -
Thursday Sep 20, 2007
your laughter tickles down through the sweet sounds of my pleas… -
Friday Aug 10, 2007
I don't have to work until 10 so I thought I'd surf and blog. I need … -
Thursday Jul 19, 2007
I need a few days off. Wow. I'm pooped. -
Monday Dec 11, 2006
The calendars are in. The logo is done. Lots o' work off the pl… -
Thursday Sep 14, 2006
I'm lousy at updating. *shrug* Haha. It's been a whirlwind as us… -
Tuesday Jun 20, 2006
My dad's birthday present made by moi. -
Saturday Jun 10, 2006
WHOA! Leave for a few days and then whammo! Come back and the whole p… -
Monday Aug 23, 2004
So....what's going on in the Sisu brain..... Welllllll......I th…
Hope you're feeling okay, though I'm sure they gave you some goodies that have you on a planet something different than okay. How was Mother's Day? I'm taking for granted that you guys have it up there as well.