i'm feeling really miserable today, well in fact the last couple of days i've just felt really down and i don't know why.
Went to the doctors today and they've given me antibiotics so i can't even drown my sorrows in alcohol
i just feel really angry with myself and a little bit insane cos i don't know why i'm feeling this way, i have great friends, an amazing boyfriend, my own car, the best house, not the best job but it's not like it's hard! And i've got things to look forward to such as my tattoo, download festival, holiday to italy, trip to wales
so what the hell is wrong with me
Sorry guys, i'll come back when i'm feeling better
I believe such mindsets are a product of the society we live in, we have to have everything, you appear to have everything but those cunning marketing men, can make us believe otherwise, to encourage us to purchase thier products.
I think those women's magazines dont help either.
minds suck.
keep with it though hun