I got drunk last night! it was pretty amusing i think?
It was my work mates leaving do, here are some lame pictures
P.S I'm a rubbish photographer
Yours truly before being really drunk
People just can't eat their food without being silly!
Anyway tonight i am home alone and bored so i've got some loud cheesy music on and got my camera out again but i really need some photography lessons
It was my work mates leaving do, here are some lame pictures
P.S I'm a rubbish photographer
Yours truly before being really drunk
People just can't eat their food without being silly!
Anyway tonight i am home alone and bored so i've got some loud cheesy music on and got my camera out again but i really need some photography lessons
I think i should smile more
Good night all x x x
Your pics are gorgeous by the way, you have a delicious body!