I'm so bummed out. I want to go to the prom and the after party but don't know if I'll even be able to make it to one.
It's been too long since I've seen my friends, I miss watching Kira and Warchild dance, I could seriously just go out to a club and sit back, get drunk and just watch them destroy the dance floor.
That's the only problem I have with this site, all my friends live like at least 200 miles away. I love you all!!!!
current music selection:IPM radio
I'm so bummed out. I want to go to the prom and the after party but don't know if I'll even be able to make it to one.

current music selection:IPM radio
i'm sorry but no we can't go to the prom in toronto. i know it sucks BUT.......
yes! we can go to the after party if i work really hard
and i would be honored and very flattered to be your girl that night and any other night for that matter until the end of time. *blushing coyly*
and you're the funniest ever, walter. i'd know you anytime... anyplace.. anywhere.