Art never seems to make me peaceful. I always seem to be wrapped in the melodrama of vulgarity. I do not think of inside or outside--or of art in general--as a situation of comfort....some painters, including myself, do not care what chair they are sitting on. It does not even have to be a comfortable one. They are too nervous to find out where they ought to sit. They do not want to "sit in style". Rather, they have found that painting--any kind of painting, any style of painting--to be painting at all, in fact--is a way of living today, a style of living, so to speak. That is where the form of it lies.----Willem de Kooning---- i have a strong physical and emotional need to paint, but i never do. sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy, a little at least.
i miss my friends

Update your journal PUNK!!!! Was awesome seeing you again bro !! Hope the ride home wasn't too rough! Had a blast, especially seeing your "art" while we were chillin at "the Chamber"

Remember, it ain't art unless it's on FIRE!!!