In my defense I've attempted to write 3 or 4 times.
Well... i just had home made apple pie for breakfast. My apartment is fucking cold and I have nothing to do today.
Boyfriend and I are leaving for Arizona mid June, but for our going away we are going to Nelsons Ledges for the Badfish weekend festival. Lots of people lots of booze and good music. quite excited. But I am so going to miss my cat, momma and the little home I have finally made here, I hate thinking about it.
But I need some adventure, it would kill me if i regretted this move, but gotta think positive! right?
This feeling is almost cruel.
K period dramas for the rest of the day, maybe a little reading, and of course play&dance with Bette Otter.

Well... i just had home made apple pie for breakfast. My apartment is fucking cold and I have nothing to do today.
Boyfriend and I are leaving for Arizona mid June, but for our going away we are going to Nelsons Ledges for the Badfish weekend festival. Lots of people lots of booze and good music. quite excited. But I am so going to miss my cat, momma and the little home I have finally made here, I hate thinking about it.
But I need some adventure, it would kill me if i regretted this move, but gotta think positive! right?
This feeling is almost cruel.
K period dramas for the rest of the day, maybe a little reading, and of course play&dance with Bette Otter.

Have fun at the festival! 

Apple pie - BEST dessert!