So.,.. my set is in MR, so smother some of that love butter on my toast. I don't know, i don't even understand what I'm saying anymore.
News: Trying to get my poor car fixed today, it stalls out and random points while I'm driving it's scary and I am a horrible driver &I've been told talking to it is not going to do anything to help, whatever.
Let's see.. boys suck I like them better drunk or naked, even better both. Less complicated that way.
Song stop being perfect
Oh yeah, hair!

or lack of..
Christmas is coming up, only problem with it is my Momma& sister are down in Florida and I wish for nothing more too drink large amounts of wine and eat cookies with them on the splendid occasion. I shall try to make it just as magical anyways.
new set, love, love you

News: Trying to get my poor car fixed today, it stalls out and random points while I'm driving it's scary and I am a horrible driver &I've been told talking to it is not going to do anything to help, whatever.
Let's see.. boys suck I like them better drunk or naked, even better both. Less complicated that way.
Song stop being perfect
Oh yeah, hair!

or lack of..
Christmas is coming up, only problem with it is my Momma& sister are down in Florida and I wish for nothing more too drink large amounts of wine and eat cookies with them on the splendid occasion. I shall try to make it just as magical anyways.
new set, love, love you

Lookin good,
Great set. Happy New Year to ya.Hope your car can be mmade to work properly.