I had such a blast at the New York Comic Con last weekend! So many cool things to look at and so many cool people to meet and talk to. I just wish I had more time to see and do everything, but here is what I did capture...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
So excited to meet
Chrysis, and
Kiley! And so glad to see
Porphyria, and
Lolana again!!!
My friend, Salchi, with me and the ladies!!
Hugs and smiles!
Got to meet some members!!!!
Zahariel, all the way from the UK
Who brought me this mouse pad from across the pond!!!

I'm a die hard True Blood fan (in case you didn't already know!

I also got to chat with Mr.
CameronStewart, the man behind the SG comic books! So down to earth and cool!!!

I love morbid things. Does that make me weird?? Pfffsssshhh, who cares, right?!!?
I've been on a decorating binge for Halloween!!! It's my fave holiday!!! 

I've been addicted to these things....

My epic baking starts soon! 
Lots of Halloween goodies to make!!
Pics to be posted! 
Halloween movies are in full swing, currently watching The Walking Dead, Season 1 on Netflix. Holy shit!!! This is scary good!!! 

Had some more work done on my knee to add to leg sleeve:

The only remaining session left is the back of the knee. Not looking forward to it, but it has to be done. I already have some of it done, now it just needs to be completed. 
Keep an eye out for this to hit MR soon!!! 

Until next time! 