Thank you all so much for making my new set reach 97% love and over 900 comments!!! 
Keep the love coming and keep your fingers crossed that it will make it to the front page soon!! 
Lorelei did another amazing job!

That reminds me...after we shot this set in New Orleans, Wit, Skoosh, and I went out to the French Quarter and enjoyed the festivities. I was introduced to this new drink:
Voodoo slushie drink + Everclear = AWESOMENESS!!!


A few drinks later, we made a pit stop at a karoke bar. I never have done karoke before, that was about to change. I have to edit that video, so I don't make a complete ass out of myself. But I'll share it with you all shortly. You'll get a kick out it!

In other news...wanna see me in a sexy, pin-up calendar??? If so, cast your vote for me as many times as you want everyday to help me make it into the 2012 Sailor Jerry calendar contest!!
If I do, I'll even send you one personally!!
So click HERE to VOTE!!
After you enter the site, just search for Mitska and cast your vote!! It's that simple! 
Calling all New Yorkers...come on out to The Bitter End for good music, I'll be there with bells on!! Here is all the info:
So excited to be leaving next week for Phoenix for HELL CITY!!!!
Are you going?? If not, you should! If you are, come say hi! Don't be shy!! See you fuckers there!!
Oh the debauchery...
Remember, you can follow my shenanigans on:
The Book with the Faces
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Got questions? I got answers.
Blog This!
The List with the Wishes
I leave you with this one question...which set of mine is your fav??? Let your voice be heard!!

That reminds me...after we shot this set in New Orleans, Wit, Skoosh, and I went out to the French Quarter and enjoyed the festivities. I was introduced to this new drink:
Voodoo slushie drink + Everclear = AWESOMENESS!!!


A few drinks later, we made a pit stop at a karoke bar. I never have done karoke before, that was about to change. I have to edit that video, so I don't make a complete ass out of myself. But I'll share it with you all shortly. You'll get a kick out it!

In other news...wanna see me in a sexy, pin-up calendar??? If so, cast your vote for me as many times as you want everyday to help me make it into the 2012 Sailor Jerry calendar contest!!

Calling all New Yorkers...come on out to The Bitter End for good music, I'll be there with bells on!! Here is all the info:

So excited to be leaving next week for Phoenix for HELL CITY!!!!

Remember, you can follow my shenanigans on:
The Book with the Faces
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Got questions? I got answers.
Blog This!
The List with the Wishes
I leave you with this one question...which set of mine is your fav??? Let your voice be heard!!

Love youuuuu! Lets try not to piss off any republicans this year @ Hell City.. bahhahah!
Thank you darling!