Good times + busy = lots of pictures
Super pic blog in store for you!
Ever heard of Skinny Puppy?? Then, you might of heard of Front Line Assembly, an electronic/industrial band. I had the pleasure of meeting the band and see their show while they made a pit stop in NYC on tour.
I felt important:


Mr. Bill Leeb, singer:

Rhys Fulber:

I always think I act and look like a dork whenever I meet someone I admire.
But met some new friends and had a blast:

I went to see Corey Miller's artwork displayed at a tattoo shop, very talented guy. I wish I had skills like that. I never saw his LA Ink show, but I hear good things.
Definitely enjoyed a beer while hanging with the master:

One of my fav prints:

I got a surprise in the mail one day:

PEEPS!!! You know what I like!
Yes, they are so disgustingly sugary, but yet so good. It's a seasonal treat not loved by everyone, but I overdose whenever I can! 
I'll give you a hint as to who was responsible for these goodies:

That made me smile!!

In other news, my Kitty had to have another eyelid surgery.
Hopefully this one will work. She did NOT like the cone of shame!
But at least I got good cable reception. 

After 2 weeks of having the surgery, the stitches were removed and someone was a happy camper!

Last night, I got more ink done on my inner thigh piece. My samurai came to life:

Finished product:

Holy hell, that was a rough 5 hours, so a couple of drinks were in order! The pain was unbearable, but some how I kept going.

The only part left of my leg sleeve is the other side of my knee, to be completed in 3 weeks.
Keep your eyes open to see the new ink in a new set...perhaps soon!!

So to hold you over until something new comes along, please take a moment and enjoy a special Study Break!
Voice your opinion...hopefully staff will hear you!
Time to enjoy the long weekend!! I'll be limping along, but it's all good.
I'm going to eat, drink, hang with friends, see Hangover II, and sleep somewhere in between!! What do you have planned??
Keep it real, 'cause you know I will!


Ever heard of Skinny Puppy?? Then, you might of heard of Front Line Assembly, an electronic/industrial band. I had the pleasure of meeting the band and see their show while they made a pit stop in NYC on tour.
I felt important:


Mr. Bill Leeb, singer:

Rhys Fulber:

I always think I act and look like a dork whenever I meet someone I admire.

But met some new friends and had a blast:

I went to see Corey Miller's artwork displayed at a tattoo shop, very talented guy. I wish I had skills like that. I never saw his LA Ink show, but I hear good things.
Definitely enjoyed a beer while hanging with the master:

One of my fav prints:

I got a surprise in the mail one day:

PEEPS!!! You know what I like!

I'll give you a hint as to who was responsible for these goodies:

That made me smile!!

In other news, my Kitty had to have another eyelid surgery.

After 2 weeks of having the surgery, the stitches were removed and someone was a happy camper!

Last night, I got more ink done on my inner thigh piece. My samurai came to life:

Finished product:

Holy hell, that was a rough 5 hours, so a couple of drinks were in order! The pain was unbearable, but some how I kept going.

The only part left of my leg sleeve is the other side of my knee, to be completed in 3 weeks.

Keep your eyes open to see the new ink in a new set...perhaps soon!!

Time to enjoy the long weekend!! I'll be limping along, but it's all good.

Keep it real, 'cause you know I will!

thanks! I feel pretty lucky already, but could always use some more!
thank you!!
i love having her in town