This was my mission and I chose to accept it...
Get on a subway and run to get tickets for Rammstein!!! First show in 10 years on US soil AND the show is in NYC. Yeah this is a no brainer, I couldn't pass up this opportunity.
One of my fav bands that was opening the show, Combichrist!! A new addition to the band is Wes Borland playing guitar. Remember him from Limp Bizkit? Unfortunately I do, but he does well here. They all played well together actually. My video quality isn't that good here, but check out one of my fav songs...FUCK THAT SHIT!!!
Then Rammstein took the stage. Here is the opening of their show. I started recording after the lights went down, so it takes about 2 mins for the show to start, so hang in there.
Let me tell you, the Germans know how to put on a fucking, insane show!!! The stage set-up was awesome!
Listening to them makes me wanna learn German. (Note to self: get hooked up with Rosetta Stone.)

Of course, here is the song Du Hast:
Then the fuckers proceeded to tarr and feather us:
Wrong, but funny at the same time.
Sadly, the show had to end.

As I walked back from the show, I had to take a few snapshots of good 'ol NY during the holiday season.
Time Square:

Gingerbread houses:

And Macy's lights:

Mission accomplished!!
More missions from yours truly...stay tuned!!

Remember, send me your info if you'd like to receive a Christmas card from me! And if you should feel so inclined to grant me a surprise, here is my wish list. Was I naughty or nice this year??
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Got questions?? I got answers!

Get on a subway and run to get tickets for Rammstein!!! First show in 10 years on US soil AND the show is in NYC. Yeah this is a no brainer, I couldn't pass up this opportunity.
One of my fav bands that was opening the show, Combichrist!! A new addition to the band is Wes Borland playing guitar. Remember him from Limp Bizkit? Unfortunately I do, but he does well here. They all played well together actually. My video quality isn't that good here, but check out one of my fav songs...FUCK THAT SHIT!!!

Then Rammstein took the stage. Here is the opening of their show. I started recording after the lights went down, so it takes about 2 mins for the show to start, so hang in there.
Let me tell you, the Germans know how to put on a fucking, insane show!!! The stage set-up was awesome!

Of course, here is the song Du Hast:
Then the fuckers proceeded to tarr and feather us:
Wrong, but funny at the same time.

Sadly, the show had to end.

As I walked back from the show, I had to take a few snapshots of good 'ol NY during the holiday season.
Time Square:

Gingerbread houses:

And Macy's lights:

Mission accomplished!!

More missions from yours truly...stay tuned!!

Remember, send me your info if you'd like to receive a Christmas card from me! And if you should feel so inclined to grant me a surprise, here is my wish list. Was I naughty or nice this year??

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Got questions?? I got answers!

Great minds think alike, already had those bands on the ipod. I am super psyched for snowboarding season, have over 19 hours of music on my riding playlist and I am only up to G! lol Cant wait!!!!! Where do you normally go again?
Damn, lady, you know how to have a good time!