It's a mixed feeling while you may be set for a long time never have to worry about wether your gonna have the money to pay the bills on time an wether your gonna be able to put food on the table etc those are just the necessities. You'd finally have the money go on those trips you've always wanted to take buy the things you've always wanted an so on these are the plus sides of it.
But what about the downsides every single fucking charity some way always gets hold of your address an they come your house always knocking on your door harassing you day an night to donate to their cause. Fake people suddenly coming out of the wood work wanting to be your best buddy same with family suddenly being super nice to you family who you don't really talk to or hardly hear or see from all wanting a piece. The constant fear of being burgled an as well people trying to cheat you out of your money although that one happens regardless wether your loaded or not but still. An possibly have your judgement clouded by your own riches (I've seen what money can do to people an how it can change them)
For me overall I'd call it curse rather than a blessing. So the question is would really still want that lottery win ???