Hey guys I haven't blogged in a while and it's something that's been overdue. I've not had a whole bunch of free time due to work, MMA training an other stuff but we'll get into that firstly not the positive update my grandma passed away on bank holiday weekend which has been shit she'd been unwell for a very long time and was in the early stages of dementia among other serious health issues an 2 weeks ago me my dad brother an sister all went to visit my grandad who's been in pieces you know just to try an cheer him up an to let him know we're there an the funerals on Friday so I won't be so active probably not at all on that day depending on how everything is hope you all understand if you don't see me 😔.
On to the positive updates as some of you will know a week ago I traveled upto Leeds to visit my mother to suprise her for her birthday needless to say she was shocked an happy to see me just in the kitchen at the counter then next minute as she turns around she just sees me standing there it was a good couple of days nice little break from home. I've begun going back to the gym regularly an trying to have a more healthy diet ready for my first MMA fight in October as my couch always says "train harder than the enemy". Tomorrow I'm going to see my tattooist for more work on my back piece so looking forward to that 😃.
It's tattoo Tuesday so everyone uncover your tatts an show off your body art for the world to fest their eyes upon their detail love you all
Mitchy 💋