I am so glad to be back on SG. I have missed you beautiful people!

Rock out Suicide Girls. Happy International Women's Day! Can't think of a better place to put out my wishes of much love and kindness to ALL the women of the world. I hope its fantastic day of freedom for all! smile
International stop bullying day! I'm wearing my pink. I was curious, due to my line of work this is a huge event for, but how many people internationally participate? Any thoughts

Now I get to go on a road trip. Unfortunately my little sidekick can't come. Shes going on four years old and love to take her on my random road trips. We had a...
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You are the soft spring grass between my toes,
The summer sky full of stars on clear night,
You are the gentle breeze that swirls a myriad of colored leaves,
The silence when karge flakes of snow fall in the winter,
You are like standing in the early spring rain,
Lying under the bright blue sky of summer,
You are those cozy cuddles when the...
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Happy end of Valentines. If you are into this I hope you were spoiled rotten.
A first journal entry! What to say? I am totally new to Suicide Girls. I am here to appreciate everyone in all their differences. I live in a pretty small town, again, and I don't have much opportunity to meet people that think like me. I think this is where I belong...

Right now my key focus is my daughters and I have what some...
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