so i'm trying to decide wether to stay with my fun, but not too well paying job or to switch to a perhaps not so fun but well paying job...hummm...tough choice, what to do??i've been at my current job for about 7months now and it's pretty good, but at my age i should be earning more or thinking of a career or something...my dream is...
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grew up in calgary then moved away for 3 years....it's been 3 months back now. 3 months too long!!
immigration papers? where are you from my little illegal alien?
i hate it when everything happens all at once. so overwhelming and emotionally exhausting... sorry to hear you are blue kiss
a 911 clerk? wow, you would definately have some stories to tell! but i would imagine it's a bit depressing and worrysome hearing of all the emergencies.....but satisfying knowing you're helping the situation.
how is living in the nation's capital? never been, but it looks pretty.
ah, france! love the land of love!! kiss kiss
so why are you here? is your hubby still there?
S.A.D....i had that when we lived in vernon (4 hours west of nelson) winters were brutal as the cloud would settle in for weeks! blah!
nelson gets that way too.....but it's so beautiful, you'd probably never notice!
it's been one of those week, all i have to say about it is...BLAH puke I think i'm gonna go hit the gym and get all this stale anergy out, hopefully that will make me feel better! biggrin Oh and my dog has figured out how to wank himself blush Honestly, i'm not joking!!So now that's all he does (that's if my girl won't lick his peepee!) Yup,...
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ah ha! it just came to me!
your web link, sweet soul, i own a few items from that line...very cool.
hope you are well... can't go on this site without dropping by to say HI!
after a ice-skating, snowboarding, ice sculpture admiring weekend, i am freshly ready to take on the week! smile
i hope to paint during the week though (i owe my vet some art for her services miao!! ) and i got a new book to sink my teeth into: the Da Vinci Code...and maybe plan a get-away to Vegas to see the canyons and Le Cirque du Soleil! love
"If you lost something in your shoe, there's a one in two chance that it's a foot"

Let me offer you:
-most of the sun rays I cumulated during the day,
-The piece of chocolat cake I didn't take with my lunch at the cafeteria,
-The 5 points I took off one of my students work for the bad presentation,
-15 minutes of purr gracefully given to me by my cat
-a get out of jail card for your next game of monopoly...

Psychosis (the ever reasuring name)
so are you going to Vegas? ...such a cool town, surprisingly.

pleeeeze don't whip me... the pix aren't done yet.... girl, it's been a hell of a week... but I swear you are my top - #1 - first on the list priority.
people really need to see you naked on this site!
Today is the beging of winterlude, and i just couldn't resist...i went out and bought skates to go on the canal and see all the ice sculptures! so that's what i'm up to this weekend smile
Hey there just a quick salutation before going out!
You should post pics of your tattoos... I'm curious!

and I'm back... editing is a funny process!
Write down, add, change...
I'm not really sure about the GT... kinda of the shy type of guy... (in some situations and that could be one...) Maybe i'll convince my friend Annie to tag along - as a backup friend!
Just found an amazing ludisia orchid in bloom... can't believe it! (and just 10$!!!)
It,s simply mesmerizing (if I wrote that one well... !!!)
and yes, back to work monday... early (my principal wants to see me at 8:00 am... what could be wrong? what does he wants? Maybe as to do with me not wanting to collaborate on a stupid project of his... maybe I souldn't have told him about my NOTWANTINGTOWORKALONGWITHTHEDIRECTIONONTHATTHINGIDONTBELIEVEIN...
maybe gotta suffer the consequences... wich could be???????????????
But hey! aside from that, just loovveee the job (wich I don't consider like actually WORK...
Don't be a jaywalker
(as you can guess, I like those exchanges with you...!!! biggrin

[Edited on Feb 06, 2005 10:47AM]

[Edited on Feb 06, 2005 10:47AM]
hey Ice-scapade girl

you'll have to wait a teenie bit more for your pix...
been flooded by work... they make me pay for my trips I guess. surreal
It's cold blade collecting on it's surface, the moment it is drawn, the vapours of the atmosphere; it's immaculate texture flashing light of blueish hue; it's matchless edge upon where histories and possibilities hang; the curve of it's back uniting exquisite grace with utmost strength; all these fill us with mixed feelings of power and beauty, of awe and terror."

Professor Inazo Nitobe
just can't get enough of e-bay!
Foundd many interesting vinyls there
20$ digital cam! not expensive!
best of luck!
did you see that... (I'm now pasting a message from SG Francophone)
Cathedra said onJanuary 20, 2005 @ 4:45PMREPLY Et oui nous avons finalement la date et la place de fixe pour notre fameux GT! J'ai parler avec le gerant de la place et il est d'acc pour nous reserver un coin dans le fond du lounge alors je vous demanderais de svp confirmer votre presence!

QUOI: Un GT (get together) Montral pour la gang SG

O: au SoHo Lounge - 6289 rue St-Hubert - (514) 271-3006

QUAND: vendredi le 11 fvrier @ 22h

**Svp passez le mot de cet evenement a tout vos conaissances SG dans les regions pres que ca pourrais interesser. allo la gang de Ville de Quebec, Sherbrooke, etc...venez nous rejoindre!!

i neeedddd skates! i want to go ice skating outside! it's perfect out today!
Hello there!
as for the SG franco group... yes, I go check it out from time to time... but not too often.
it's SGFrancophone (check in my comments if you wanna go there!)


[Edited on Feb 01, 2005 3:06PM]
That's it! I've done it!
I've clicked on the friend thing!
I don't know what cam,e over me...
Is it the fact that I'm still recovering from a cold and the my energiews are down?
Is it the stress of work that finaly took a hold of me?
Is it the ozone layer that finally vanished?
Or is it simply that I think you seem like a nice person?

Beasts of Ultra Convenience,
Sitting limply at the Constant Comfort Controls,
A Luke-Warm state of mind has Extinguished
the Fires of Passions...
Monsters of their own Makings,
Truely sad to behold, these Beasts
of Ultra Convenience.

by:me, thoughts on some around me.

mad puke robot
I'm curious, where were you when you wrote those words?
A brand new pix for my profile...thanks to a new friend and great photographer. So a face to the profile, finally...good things come to those who wait--but even better to those who act...and this weekend i did just that--something new, exciting, and daring! perhaps soon you will all see what i am going on about! blush
here's a bit of poetry i wrote some years ago:
The Present is eternal...
and the Past is a languid echo resonating.
As for the futur ...it is irrelevant,
because Now is infinately Present.

tune in tomorrow for more of my poetry found in old journal of times gone by...

Very cute picture. I wish I hadn't lost most of my old poetry. I donated my old mac to a school up in the Bronx a few years back and forgot to save my files to disk. Oh well,
now some 4th grader now knows all of my dark secrets.
Just got back from my first day hitting the slopes at Mt Cascade. It was awesome to board again. went with this girl from work we had a great time-except- it was f#$@ FREEZING!!! yup a whooping -20degrees!! not counting the wind...we toughed it out for 4 hrs and now i just got out of what was the hotest shower i've ever had (i like...
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Hey have you got msn I'd like to pick your brain about a few things if you didn't mind. alhooter@gmail.com is my contact.
No, I haven't made any have you?

I hope you had enough time off and that your New Years was great!
starting to settle in just fine here at SG...everyone's just been so nice! love I love it! i can't wait to get a set up, but until then i'm have a great ol' time browsing around and getting to know everyone smile So do drop me a line, don't be shy i don't bite...well only if you don't want me to! wink tongue
C'est vrai que SG c'est bien... content que tu t'y plaises!
je finis mon rush cette fin de semaine... et je pourrai t'envoyer quelques photos trs bientt, avant mon voyage Cuba...
do you guys like my frenchies...it's the only pix i could find under 100kb...on another topic, i had submited my first set and it got turned down frown ...anyone know someone willing to take pix of me? i live in Ottawa, that's near Montreal...i just broke my digital camera on the Catamaran boat, a big wave of sea water ruined it!! mad so someone with a cam...
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Thanks for the kind words on my profile pic-I'm kinda of limited as to the variety of poses I can offer since it's kinda of a one man operation so to speak. A moment of vanity here-a friend remarked the other day that my pic made me look like I have a receding hairline, which came as quite a shock to me-a new picture is desperately needed(full hairline and all).

Hmmm. Back-of-the-cab antics huh?; next time I would advise ditching cocky office boy(seems like the tell all type), and inviting those who are a little more like minded to the activities on hand.
I will definitely show you around. It's always nice to know people where you are visiting. Seattle isn't that big but there are some amazing places to see. Now you will have to come visit.