It's T - 4 days 'til taxes are due and all I can say I've done is install my tax software. Tonight I have a dinner party, I think, so that's out, so I guess I will have to buckle down tomorrow and e-file. (I can only hope I don't owe anything
On a happier note, my business partner has granted me a 2 week furlough to visit Miss Tallahassee. If anyone reading this can fill me in on the weather of Tallahassee in early June, please post.
On a happier note, my business partner has granted me a 2 week furlough to visit Miss Tallahassee. If anyone reading this can fill me in on the weather of Tallahassee in early June, please post.
Believe it or not - I've found the web embodiment of the sadness that is Iowa. There's actually a site run by IA farmers that keeps a running webcam on a cornfield - so you can actually login and watch the corn grow. Or soybeans. Or cattle. There are now three farmcams. Sick, huh?