The title I give to all the shots in the mirror are 'Reflection', which is both a physical description and a metaphor for the ruminations and aphorisms that accompany each image.
Bringing that to mind, I moved them all into a Pic folder of that name....
Thank-you... your lovely comments will be getting me all... hot and sweaty
RE: Saddly I have no scanner
LOL Hmmm... well.. You could do what I did when I needed to send a snap from the Tate Modern after my camera had chewed through the last of my batteries last week... I popped into a cyber-cafe outside of the tube on the way home and took the required snap with one of their webcams and e-mailed it to the client from a hotmail account: D It was very important... it was one of them 'this will make you insanely jealous moments'
The title I give to all the shots in the mirror are 'Reflection', which is both a physical description and a metaphor for the ruminations and aphorisms that accompany each image.
Bringing that to mind, I moved them all into a Pic folder of that name....
Have a great day
Kisses & best wishes
RE: Saddly I have no scanner
LOL Hmmm... well.. You could do what I did when I needed to send a snap from the Tate Modern after my camera had chewed through the last of my batteries last week... I popped into a cyber-cafe outside of the tube on the way home and took the required snap with one of their webcams and e-mailed it to the client from a hotmail account: D It was very important... it was one of them 'this will make you insanely jealous moments'
Kisses & best wishes