OK the bastard has once again taken the computer away so I can't use it.
I had to take two buses and walk five blocks just to get to my moms house so
I could use her computer JUST to let you uys know I am still alive. I am working on getting a laptop or at least a cell phone with online. I have no idea how long it will take but hopefully soon or I will go crazy. Anyone that really loves me has my cell number already so if you need me call or text away. I mean seriously please call because I am bored out of my mind. If you would like to call me and don't have my number leave a message or an email. I will have people checking in on occssion until I get back. *Big Hugs* Cross your fingers for me.
OH and Proper
I love you
You need a computer.........LOL
ask for donations (paypal) and get one on on sale its christmas LOL (good idea might work!!!)
it's hard to talk sometimes cause of the TN, it impares the left side of my face, including my mouth hehe
but when I am not talking all goofy I'll give ya a call!!!!!!!