I am sorry...but my boss...(Mistriss Vamp) is currently unavailable. She has left me a message to deliver to each and every one of you......(stop...thinking...)
*secretary does dance as boss thinks of what to say*
*still dancing*
*getting tired*
She has run into an unfortunate circumstance (his name is shit head) and is unable to come to the computer. She is working on getting a computer (that is not under lock and key of the aforementiond shithead) for herself. She will have access to a computer tomorrow morning 'cause she misses y'all! (ain't I good at all this damn dictation?) -
*does dance! Mistriss Vamp gave me a raise!*
*secretary does dance as boss thinks of what to say*
*still dancing*
*getting tired*
She has run into an unfortunate circumstance (his name is shit head) and is unable to come to the computer. She is working on getting a computer (that is not under lock and key of the aforementiond shithead) for herself. She will have access to a computer tomorrow morning 'cause she misses y'all! (ain't I good at all this damn dictation?) -

Then remove the death from it, and the threat.
When you are finished, pass it on to someone else.
That is all.
For now.