My friend and I are strange strange people!!
I am "I like to crush every boys TESTICLES!" heheh
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
my mom was cool... then she got the sex change
Slovac [MC] says:
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
now shes dad#2
Slovac [MC] says:
this is dad, and this is dad#2
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
Slovac [MC] says:
or better yet, this is dad and this is formerly mom.
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
the dad formerly known as mom
Slovac [MC] says:
So I got my account all fixed I won be dissapearing anytime soon!!!
YAY go me!
Lotus and I had an awesome conversation today...I love that girl more then she can even begin to know. She is so strong.
Talking to her makes me so happy!!!
I hope to see her real soon. We live in the same city...but we are both very busy hopefully soon I can take her out on a date!!
My friend and I are strange strange people!!

I am "I like to crush every boys TESTICLES!" heheh
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
my mom was cool... then she got the sex change
Slovac [MC] says:
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
now shes dad#2
Slovac [MC] says:
this is dad, and this is dad#2
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
Slovac [MC] says:
or better yet, this is dad and this is formerly mom.
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
the dad formerly known as mom
Slovac [MC] says:
So I got my account all fixed I won be dissapearing anytime soon!!!
YAY go me!
Lotus and I had an awesome conversation today...I love that girl more then she can even begin to know. She is so strong.
Talking to her makes me so happy!!!
I hope to see her real soon. We live in the same city...but we are both very busy hopefully soon I can take her out on a date!!

hey, nothing to get really. just the beginning of a longer entry -- im buliding them over time. The Tower is a tarot card that signifies "upheaval and the destruction of much which you thought was solid and stable and the crumbling of your way of thinking beneath your very feet, but in the process it shows you the difference between those things of lasting value and those that are only temporarily satisfying. This change may be hard to adjust to immediately because it is so intense. The cards show towers being struck by lightening. They are on fire and crumbling. In many cases, people are falling out ofthem"
Awww sweetheart I'm glad you got your account all fixed up. What a funny chat name haha. You are awesome!!!