*dances around*
I am so sick!!!
I was supossed to work today but I called in. I am way to ill to work. I turned on my msn and one of the girls I used to nanny was online. She is only 7 hehe. They all moved back to town. I guess things didn't work out with her boyfriend. I am quite upset. They were gone for almost 2 months and their dad didn't even call them once. What a dick. I can't stand dead beat dads. I always afraid I am going to get knocked up and the father is gonna split. I mean I have pretty bad luck as it is....so I am sure oneday that will happen to me. I mean he used to take the kids on the weekends...but there were times when he wouldn't show up and I'd be stuck with them all weekend. I'd be calling him and leaving mean messages. He knew I didn't think to highly of him. I saw the things he did to his kids. He was supossed to pay their school fees....which he didn't so they had to miss out on a few school field trips. He also owes their mom thousands in child support. I mean its really sad when their mom had to become a stripper to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. Thats why I was a nanny. She was gone a lot...working in all the towns in alberta and bc. For 10 months I was the one constant person in their lives. It was really sad. Who do you think had to show the older one how to use a pad when she got her period? ME...Who would go out and buy them treats when they got good grades in school...me! Fuck I was like super mom for those 10 months. It made me realize that oneday I am going to be the awesomest mom! I can't wait reeally. I want a baby. I know I am young and blahhhh but I am no immature. I know what I'd be getting into. I had a misscarriage about a year ago...and that was really hard for me. I wanted to have a baby then too. I look back and think...thank god I didn't have a baby with my ex...hes the guy who went crazy. I need me a good man who will be able to take care of a family...and not go completely nuts! If there is anyone out there who wants to volunteer...just let me know!

*dances around*

I am so sick!!!
I was supossed to work today but I called in. I am way to ill to work. I turned on my msn and one of the girls I used to nanny was online. She is only 7 hehe. They all moved back to town. I guess things didn't work out with her boyfriend. I am quite upset. They were gone for almost 2 months and their dad didn't even call them once. What a dick. I can't stand dead beat dads. I always afraid I am going to get knocked up and the father is gonna split. I mean I have pretty bad luck as it is....so I am sure oneday that will happen to me. I mean he used to take the kids on the weekends...but there were times when he wouldn't show up and I'd be stuck with them all weekend. I'd be calling him and leaving mean messages. He knew I didn't think to highly of him. I saw the things he did to his kids. He was supossed to pay their school fees....which he didn't so they had to miss out on a few school field trips. He also owes their mom thousands in child support. I mean its really sad when their mom had to become a stripper to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. Thats why I was a nanny. She was gone a lot...working in all the towns in alberta and bc. For 10 months I was the one constant person in their lives. It was really sad. Who do you think had to show the older one how to use a pad when she got her period? ME...Who would go out and buy them treats when they got good grades in school...me! Fuck I was like super mom for those 10 months. It made me realize that oneday I am going to be the awesomest mom! I can't wait reeally. I want a baby. I know I am young and blahhhh but I am no immature. I know what I'd be getting into. I had a misscarriage about a year ago...and that was really hard for me. I wanted to have a baby then too. I look back and think...thank god I didn't have a baby with my ex...hes the guy who went crazy. I need me a good man who will be able to take care of a family...and not go completely nuts! If there is anyone out there who wants to volunteer...just let me know!

Hope you're feeling better.