I got a letter from my grandmother today. She said that she is doing as good as she can at her age. My grand-dad has had 2 strokes and he seems to be doing ok. He is out driving though. He had his license taken away. Yet he it still out there driving around. He is gonna kill someone oneday. I was reading the letter and instead of "driving all the time" I thought it said "drinking all the time" I was like "WAY TO GO GRAND DAD! but no I was wrong. Last time I saw my grand dad was last september. I was really not happy to see how old he was getting. I mean I knew he was getting really old. But he was hard of hearing...and not wearing his hearing aids...I guess thats his way of acting out at his age! My grandmother is really worried about him all the time. Maybe one of these days I will get my little bum out to Courtney BC and visit them. But there are other places I wanna go to first.
I played a little april fools joke on myself this morning....instead of hitting the snooze button on my alarm...I hit the off button. Yea needless to say I woke up with just enough time to call work to say I was gonna be an hour late. Work was busy. I was not wanting to be there. Someone take me away from this horrible horrible place and treat me like a princess so I never have to work again. All I wanna do is spend peoples money.
I played a little april fools joke on myself this morning....instead of hitting the snooze button on my alarm...I hit the off button. Yea needless to say I woke up with just enough time to call work to say I was gonna be an hour late. Work was busy. I was not wanting to be there. Someone take me away from this horrible horrible place and treat me like a princess so I never have to work again. All I wanna do is spend peoples money.


you can spend my money. I don't need it.

I missed you the last few days, missed you.