i got an email from a guy who i wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole asking me if i wanted to have "sexual relations" with him....seriously....he wrote that in the email!!!!
o m g!!
it made me giggle so hard!
heres part of the email!
neway, i was wondering if you had ever considered having intimate (or just plain sexual) relations with me. I would do everything i could to satisfy your womenly needs.
I apologize for being so direct, but you are sooo hot and I find myself increasingly more attracted to you.
I hope you will seriously consider me as a viable sex partner, as I am willing to do whatever it takes to please you.
oh and he emailed me again...talk about presistent!!
ok, im guessing by your lack of reply to my previous email i crossed a line that I should not have crossed...
my apologies; but it seemed to me that you were a women who was interested more in good sex than another relationship like chago. i really wish i you would reconsider, i think i could really show you some awesome times with no need for a pesky relationship.
neway, i know i don't know you to well, but maybe thats a good thing...
so i told him that i had to pass on his offer... haha i can't believe he ever thoguht he had a chance!!
o m g!!
it made me giggle so hard!
heres part of the email!
neway, i was wondering if you had ever considered having intimate (or just plain sexual) relations with me. I would do everything i could to satisfy your womenly needs.
I apologize for being so direct, but you are sooo hot and I find myself increasingly more attracted to you.
I hope you will seriously consider me as a viable sex partner, as I am willing to do whatever it takes to please you.
oh and he emailed me again...talk about presistent!!
ok, im guessing by your lack of reply to my previous email i crossed a line that I should not have crossed...
my apologies; but it seemed to me that you were a women who was interested more in good sex than another relationship like chago. i really wish i you would reconsider, i think i could really show you some awesome times with no need for a pesky relationship.
neway, i know i don't know you to well, but maybe thats a good thing...

so i told him that i had to pass on his offer... haha i can't believe he ever thoguht he had a chance!!

this shit is so fuckin lame. eh.