My friend and I are strange strange people!!
I am "I like to crush every boys TESTICLES!" heheh
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
my mom was cool... then she got the sex change
Slovac [MC] says:
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
now shes dad#2
Slovac [MC] says:
this is dad, and this is dad#2...
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My friend and I are strange strange people!!

I am "I like to crush every boys TESTICLES!" heheh
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
my mom was cool... then she got the sex change
Slovac [MC] says:
I like to crush every boys TESTICLES! says:
now shes dad#2
Slovac [MC] says:
this is dad, and this is dad#2...
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hey, nothing to get really. just the beginning of a longer entry -- im buliding them over time. The Tower is a tarot card that signifies "upheaval and the destruction of much which you thought was solid and stable and the crumbling of your way of thinking beneath your very feet, but in the process it shows you the difference between those things of lasting value and those that are only temporarily satisfying. This change may be hard to adjust to immediately because it is so intense. The cards show towers being struck by lightening. They are on fire and crumbling. In many cases, people are falling out ofthem"
Awww sweetheart I'm glad you got your account all fixed up. What a funny chat name haha. You are awesome!!!
*dances around*
I am so sick!!!
I was supossed to work today but I called in. I am way to ill to work. I turned on my msn and one of the girls I used to nanny was online. She is only 7 hehe. They all moved back to town. I guess things didn't work out with her boyfriend....
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*dances around*

I am so sick!!!
I was supossed to work today but I called in. I am way to ill to work. I turned on my msn and one of the girls I used to nanny was online. She is only 7 hehe. They all moved back to town. I guess things didn't work out with her boyfriend....
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I have 0 TESTIMONIALS!!! haha
I'ld like to have kids but not yet; maybe never. I just think of guys like Chaplain who were having kids at 80 and it doesn't seem bad to think: maybe at 40.
Hope you're feeling better.
Hope you're feeling better.

I was jumping on a trampoline on saturday and I guess I was being a bit too wild....Sunday I woke up and my legs were so sore...well it's tuesday and it still hurts to walk. Yesterday I worked early in the morning and I got an Award!!! GOOO MEEE! I also got a cool travel coffee mug with my works name on it. They trained...
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Defeats so painful to take! I'm getting the hang of it, twice over Easter
Hope your leg feels better soon, probably need some physio

Hope your leg feels better soon, probably need some physio

Look at you go hockey girl! Impressive!
Montreal letting Boston kick their asses!! THAT MAKES ME MADDDDD
calgary is actually winning right now....2-0....lets see if they can actually pull off a win....I wont hold my breath.
omg you are saying...A GIRL WHO LIKES HOCKEY! Yes And my team is Montreal! THEY ARE LETTING ME DOWN!
I need to be cheered up!
I am sitting here listening to ernie sing...
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calgary is actually winning right now....2-0....lets see if they can actually pull off a win....I wont hold my breath.
omg you are saying...A GIRL WHO LIKES HOCKEY! Yes And my team is Montreal! THEY ARE LETTING ME DOWN!

I need to be cheered up!

I am sitting here listening to ernie sing...
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I must agree far too many NHL teams have gone south of the border ...Hockey Night Canada is a big deal .. in the US it is not a national sport at all the ratings are absysmal ..... except in n. states like Minnesota ...
I used to play field hockey.
I was bad.
I decided that my Violin was better.
I used to play field hockey.
I was bad.
I decided that my Violin was better.
i didn't come this far for you to make this hard for me.
and now you want to ask me "how?"
it's like - how does your heart beat, and why do you breathe?
how does your heart beat, and why do you breathe?
why did you come here?
you weren't invited.
and you're on the outside - stay on the...
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i didn't come this far for you to make this hard for me.
and now you want to ask me "how?"
it's like - how does your heart beat, and why do you breathe?
how does your heart beat, and why do you breathe?
why did you come here?
you weren't invited.
and you're on the outside - stay on the...
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Am I cool too?
Read my journal I have a rad story!!!
Love ya and I miss your comments.

Read my journal I have a rad story!!!
Love ya and I miss your comments.
You really have to understand that there are prob. like 5,000 books or something at my parents house .. with those numbers and the unbelievably cool $5/box sale on the last day (sunday) of the Bryn Mawr Book Sale We have books coming out the **s ....
If you dont want to give away books can always just recommend and register books you have as well as hunt for books without paying at all.
I love the idea!
If you dont want to give away books can always just recommend and register books you have as well as hunt for books without paying at all.
I love the idea!
Today is the worst day ever!
My good friend nadim is working his magic and helping me cheer up! I am sure its not so has its highs and lows... I just freaked out that everything seemed to be not going my way today. Thus is life!
Something I do not want to see my mom standing infront of me in hip hugger shaking...
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My good friend nadim is working his magic and helping me cheer up! I am sure its not so has its highs and lows... I just freaked out that everything seemed to be not going my way today. Thus is life!
Something I do not want to see my mom standing infront of me in hip hugger shaking...
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Thanks, Lotus is gonna come over after she's done work and we're gonna watch movies; have fun with your dad.

thats a mental picture that'll be ingrained in your brain for awhile....hip huggers.

I got a letter from my grandmother today. She said that she is doing as good as she can at her age. My grand-dad has had 2 strokes and he seems to be doing ok. He is out driving though. He had his license taken away. Yet he it still out there driving around. He is gonna kill someone oneday. I was reading the letter...
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you can spend my money. I don't need it.

I missed you the last few days, missed you.

Oh mannnnn
Benni's set was so hot....Zui's set...HOT TOO! They helped me with my mood.
"Sweetest Goodbye"
Where you are seems to be
As far as an eternity
Outstretched arms open hearts
And if it never ends then when do we start?
I'll never leave you behind
Or treat you unkind
I know you understand
And with a tear in my eye...
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Benni's set was so hot....Zui's set...HOT TOO! They helped me with my mood.

"Sweetest Goodbye"
Where you are seems to be
As far as an eternity
Outstretched arms open hearts
And if it never ends then when do we start?
I'll never leave you behind
Or treat you unkind
I know you understand
And with a tear in my eye...
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the prarie dog and I we just stop by to say hi, and to say that you were a cute little girl ! now, you're adult... I like MAROON5, great band, kinda Lenny Kravitz on crack ! LOL have a nice day !

You grew up to be a lovely girl

Ok so I might not have a choice but not to renew my account next month....I wont be able to use the credit card I have been using again. But someone might let me use we shall see!!!

no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll get you another membership if he wont! just let me know k?!

missed our nightly chat, c u tomorrow maybe
Idon't think I will ever look at the message boards on this site ever again. Thanks to the fuck head who posted that "fake" pic that has caused me to go crazy....I hate you.
If I chose not to renew my membership next month how many of you would still want to stay in contact with me?

If I chose not to renew my membership next month how many of you would still want to stay in contact with me?
We definately have to get together sometime. Shame me and Amanda live on he ass end of the city, otherwise it would be a lot easier.
We're often going to the pub by our place (The Kilt and Cabre is what i think it's called, but, to be honest, I've never even looked at the sign), but that would be quite a trek for you. Lemme knwo when you have plans to hit some spots on a Saturday night, and I'll try to get my sorry ass out of the suburbs -- Amanda takes less convincing than I -- to meet up.
We're often going to the pub by our place (The Kilt and Cabre is what i think it's called, but, to be honest, I've never even looked at the sign), but that would be quite a trek for you. Lemme knwo when you have plans to hit some spots on a Saturday night, and I'll try to get my sorry ass out of the suburbs -- Amanda takes less convincing than I -- to meet up.
i should want to keep in contact, but don't leave!
I was sitting in my bed this morning thinking about all the boys that I have loved and lost or threw away....I have decided that I still believe in love. Somewhere out there is the perfect guy for me. I don't think I have met him yet. For a while I thought I had met my soulmate and had screwed it up. But now I...
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C'mon pics of the big butt!

trust me, I know all about the being broke! I've got to wait until later next month, I don't have the cash to throw at boys or buy really watered down drinks with.
later though

01. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with?
ummmm I don't know his middle name.
02. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
They are...Teal bikini style...mesh.
03. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
I am never going to die!
04. What is the phone number of your sluttiest friend so some...
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ummmm I don't know his middle name.
02. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
They are...Teal bikini style...mesh.
03. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
I am never going to die!
04. What is the phone number of your sluttiest friend so some...
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The pub was, hrm, entertaining.
01. Ha! I know this! It's "Lynn".
02. Hanes boxer-briefs, gray
03. Wave of Mutilation (UK surf version) by the Pixies
04. Sorry. I have scrupples. I can't give out phone numbers on a public forum. (However, e-mail me, if you want Gustavo's number!)
05. Pineapple chicken curry from Bangkok Thai
06. Stones.
07. All of us die. Why would it matter who I pick? Do you mean die right now? That's just cold. Maybe that mom who drowned her five children in the bathtub.
09. A sharp wit.
10. I don't have a friendster/LJ account, and I love all my SG friends.
11. Telekinesis would be cool.
12. A cold coca-cola solves everthing
13. I'm not much of a drinker. Maybe four?
14. ???
15. I loved it when my wife bleached her hair platinum blonde. Other than that, I love brunettes.
16. Deaf.
17. Sorry to disappoint. I'm fairly well adjusted. If anything, I probably have OCD.
18. One.
19. Also January. I'm always broke.
20. Give out wrong directions.
21. The Golden Seal.
22. (tie) My wife and my unborn daughter.
23. Melissa and I went out to dinner a few nights ago.
24. Dirty. I find it a little unsettling that we equate sex and violence as BOTH bad things.
25. Fall
26. Not a one. I love making out.
28. Easy. Douglas Coupland.
29. Huntington Beach.
30. Once again, my wife. Other than her, my friend Wim.
31. Rachael Leigh Cook!
33. Zen.
34. Once I played some game where we all ended up drunk, naked, and in a hot tub... that was fun.
35. Don't remember.
36. Soda. Comic books. Kurosawa films.
37. Any sort of condemnation.
02. Hanes boxer-briefs, gray
03. Wave of Mutilation (UK surf version) by the Pixies
04. Sorry. I have scrupples. I can't give out phone numbers on a public forum. (However, e-mail me, if you want Gustavo's number!)

05. Pineapple chicken curry from Bangkok Thai
06. Stones.
07. All of us die. Why would it matter who I pick? Do you mean die right now? That's just cold. Maybe that mom who drowned her five children in the bathtub.
09. A sharp wit.
10. I don't have a friendster/LJ account, and I love all my SG friends.
11. Telekinesis would be cool.
12. A cold coca-cola solves everthing
13. I'm not much of a drinker. Maybe four?
14. ???
15. I loved it when my wife bleached her hair platinum blonde. Other than that, I love brunettes.
16. Deaf.
17. Sorry to disappoint. I'm fairly well adjusted. If anything, I probably have OCD.
18. One.
19. Also January. I'm always broke.
20. Give out wrong directions.

21. The Golden Seal.
22. (tie) My wife and my unborn daughter.
23. Melissa and I went out to dinner a few nights ago.
24. Dirty. I find it a little unsettling that we equate sex and violence as BOTH bad things.
25. Fall
26. Not a one. I love making out.
28. Easy. Douglas Coupland.
29. Huntington Beach.
30. Once again, my wife. Other than her, my friend Wim.
31. Rachael Leigh Cook!
33. Zen.
34. Once I played some game where we all ended up drunk, naked, and in a hot tub... that was fun.
35. Don't remember.
36. Soda. Comic books. Kurosawa films.
37. Any sort of condemnation.