Well, not really.
Sadly, I haven't had a good chunk of time to sit down and write lately. I haven't even had time to go out and drum up new and naughty experiences. It is sad, really. I spent the entire day...
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I will post a proper and steamy update soon ... I've just been pressed for time lately!
Your biggest fan,
Im not sure whether its F.s role as the top in this scene, or her day job as one of the most highly sought-after sex educators in the City, or perhaps a little bit of both, that makes her order Bettie around in such a cool, yet dont fuck with me manner, but its highly effective....
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we want update!

Well…I don’t know but I hope she’s not stopping her wonderfully steamy journal updates.
I think I like dressing for play parties as much (or possibly even more) than I enjoy playing at play parties. But what stresses me out to no avail is the amount of preparation that goes into preparing my outfit, which with any luck at all, will end up tossed on the floor or at least pushed down around...
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I eagerly await your next update. =)
a couple of fistings nothing too exciting is going on. F. enters the play space with a very cute Bettie Page look-a-like. Have I yet explained I have a thing for Bettie Page? Bettie is sexy in a classic pin-up style full, round hips, slightly rounded belly, thick thighs and chiseled ankles. She is so ripe you just want to sink your teeth into her. F. leads her into one of the spaces and motions for me to come over. I wonder what Ive done (besides having kick ass cleavage), to deserve such VIP treatment from F. tonight. F. tells me she is going to spank Bettie, flog her, and once she is all good and worked up, she wants me to fuck her. I feel like Ive just won the lesbian lottery. I gratefully oblige and scurry about to find latex gloves and lube.
Do you ever just get to a point where your life seems so lackluster, so blase, that you just need something to jolt you back into reality?
When I was younger (we're talking teenage years, here), and way more fucked up than I am now (I hope), that "jolt" was usually some...
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I find it odd because I was a very clean cut kid growing up. Never doing any of the things you mentioned. Maybe it was because I was an athlete or maybe because I never had any BSDM experiences until the past year. I guess it comes down to exploring your limits and pushing yourself till you actually experience them.

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I've recently realized that keeping a journal is more about exhibitionism for me than it is about reflection, rememberance, or any of the other reasons proper journal keepers do so. If no one read my journal entries, I'd probably get bored and stop writing them. But I'm not bored yet ...
Speaking of "proper journal keepers," this past Friday night, a colleague of mine...
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Tristan Taormino, who emceed the evening's events and nearly died when she commented on the red leather collar I was wearing....
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I used to date this girl named Jess whose collection of sex toys rivals mine. In fact, it was really because of Jess that I became a purveyor of fine sex toys -- rarely a weekend went by that she didn't...
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please don't feel like that
i was out of the water for 7 months when i restarted on july 1. my motivation: there was a form i had to fill out, 30 days later, that asked "state your exercise regimen for the past 30 days." i've been really good ever since then.
but the first 10 days are hard as ass. it does take 1-2 months to re-feel good in the water. and it always takes me about 150m (or 150yd) to not feel like an asshole in the water. once i get past the 150 point, i'm fine. where do you swim?
and let's discuss the difficulties/advantages of being swimmers with big boobs. blargh!
should i give all this info here? am i going to get pool stalkers? hey, what the fuck, that might be fun.
The other day, as I was dressing for work, my favorite garter belt broke -- the little clasp thingee just gave way as...
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I never worked anyplace where I felt comforable sharing the intimate details of my sexual exploits, especially in my swinging bachelor days where I was enjoying more of what NYC had to offer.
Somehow "Well, I went to a punk rock show, then went with the headlinging band to an underground S&M club, watched the guitar player get a handjob from a transvestite in leather, made out with a girl dressed up like a boy, saw people get whipped and spanked, thought about taking home a cute asian person of undetermined gender...how was your Saturday?" never came up in casual workplace conversation.
Hence, I save these stories for the magic of the internet.

I'm tempted to ask where you work, since where I work explicit conversations of a sexual nature wouldn't go over too well. Except when they involve the owner of the company inviting me into his office to watch the Paris Hilton sex video or to ask my opinion on how fuckable Vida Guerra is.
Then again, I'm not sure that my boss really wants to know exactly how much of a pervert I am.
I don't know how well he'd take stories like "Oh yeah, it was really hot last night when my wife slid a vibrator up her ass, then climbed on top of me and fucked me senseless while I spanked her and twisted her nipples. Plus, she got really hot when I suggested in the future that said vibrator could be replaced by a strap-on being wielded by a cute bisexual chick".
So instead, I save such "too much information!" things for random online forums. Hope you don't mind.

Speaking of which, I know I am behind on my journal entries, and this may worsen as the week goes on. My boss is out...
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keep up the good work.
It was back to the gym for me this week also. I kind of took the last month off(off of everything that is)and At the moment my arms are so sore I can barely lift them. I mean, I know about the no pain no gain thing but... damn!
i just joined USMS and will be doing my first USMS meet on sunday morning. look around aquafitmasters.org (.com? i think .org) for advice/tips/blahblah. also usms.org...
Take care of yourself!
:hugz: and