last night....
i met DAMIEN ECHOLS from the West Memphis Three at his book signing last night.
it was one of the most epic experiences of my entire life.
he is my hero. i seriously cried the whole time
i have a tattoo on my arm that says "west memphis three. stripped of flesh and left of bone" which is from a poem that he wrote in prison
and i also have a tattoo of an ink blot of his face with the words "free at last" and the date that he got released from death row.
i got to SHOW him these tattoos. it made him so happy.
he wouldnt stop smiling. he was so wonderful.

i met DAMIEN ECHOLS from the West Memphis Three at his book signing last night.
it was one of the most epic experiences of my entire life.
he is my hero. i seriously cried the whole time
i have a tattoo on my arm that says "west memphis three. stripped of flesh and left of bone" which is from a poem that he wrote in prison
and i also have a tattoo of an ink blot of his face with the words "free at last" and the date that he got released from death row.
i got to SHOW him these tattoos. it made him so happy.
he wouldnt stop smiling. he was so wonderful.

Life and tattoos, same it...kisses!
excellent... I am now going to look into this