Well the baby shower cake turned out very nice, though I forgot my camera, so no pictures. Amanda's friend, Shanaevia, took one for me, so maybe I'll get one eventually. The shower was fun and Evan perfectly guessed (with yarn) how big Amanda was around.
I had a decent birthday. Evan got me a subscription to Yoga Journal. We went out to eat and had dessert at his mom's house. My present to myself was getting all the Sookie Stackhouse novels. (check out TrueBlood on HBO!) I've been pretty much reading one a day. Evan hates it, because I get way too addicted to the story. He said it's more addicting to me than Harry Potter was. I think he might be right. I think I just really like magic stories.
Sunday we had Evan's mom's birthday party and that was fine too. She really liked the gifts I picked out. I had to bring my own dinner to stick to my diet, though.
It seems we're getting a house guest. Unfortunately, my brother in law and his girl friend called it quits. Seeing as they lived together, he's been on the couch of their apartment for awhile. He'll be moving into our spare room Thursday. This will be interesting to say the least. We're happy to help him out, not so happy about giving up our privacy. We said his rent was having to play Rock Band with us. He's never picked up a fake plastic instrument in his life!
I have to clean out the room. I suppose I should start shortly. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all this stuff. It's a lot of stuff!
But the good news is, Evan and I now have insurance, so we can now try to start a family. Yay.
More good news? I'm down a total of 28 lbs!
This weekend is Cedar Point Day. I'm not sure if I'll be able to ride the millennium force just yet, but I promise not to get discouraged if I can't. I know it will come sooner or later. As long as I keep trying, and keep losing weight like I have been.
I had a decent birthday. Evan got me a subscription to Yoga Journal. We went out to eat and had dessert at his mom's house. My present to myself was getting all the Sookie Stackhouse novels. (check out TrueBlood on HBO!) I've been pretty much reading one a day. Evan hates it, because I get way too addicted to the story. He said it's more addicting to me than Harry Potter was. I think he might be right. I think I just really like magic stories.

Sunday we had Evan's mom's birthday party and that was fine too. She really liked the gifts I picked out. I had to bring my own dinner to stick to my diet, though.
It seems we're getting a house guest. Unfortunately, my brother in law and his girl friend called it quits. Seeing as they lived together, he's been on the couch of their apartment for awhile. He'll be moving into our spare room Thursday. This will be interesting to say the least. We're happy to help him out, not so happy about giving up our privacy. We said his rent was having to play Rock Band with us. He's never picked up a fake plastic instrument in his life!
I have to clean out the room. I suppose I should start shortly. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all this stuff. It's a lot of stuff!
But the good news is, Evan and I now have insurance, so we can now try to start a family. Yay.
More good news? I'm down a total of 28 lbs!
This weekend is Cedar Point Day. I'm not sure if I'll be able to ride the millennium force just yet, but I promise not to get discouraged if I can't. I know it will come sooner or later. As long as I keep trying, and keep losing weight like I have been.
As for coming straight home, that's just dandy by me. I blew out a brake line on the Caprice this morning, so I could definitely use an extra day to fix it.