God Fucking Dammit!!!
i have stupid feltching mice in my apartment! GRRRRR!
why do I have to get mice now? what is this? a stupid-ass birthday gift or what? i don't want the damn mice to eat my goddamn food before i get to it! and i even bought groceries again today so they have a feast to choose from! bah!
stupid enflamed sack of herpal donkey piss! i hate mice!
tho i should explain that it's just mice who are running free in my bought and paid for food! other random wild mice or mice in captivity are okay with me. it's just the damn mice that eat my damn rice! (i'm a poet and...)
i had the most awesome of awesomest nights out last night. i went out to the Gar with the most sexy Lynnailove and the ever so hansome Cool_Spot. there was plenty of dancing, and knee scatching and tattoo showing off-ing! it was wonderfull!
i am a very happy Minx.
i really do have the best friends...
i've realized again today how awesome it is to read your testimonials in your testimonials section...
it brings your spirits up every time!
i have stupid feltching mice in my apartment! GRRRRR!

why do I have to get mice now? what is this? a stupid-ass birthday gift or what? i don't want the damn mice to eat my goddamn food before i get to it! and i even bought groceries again today so they have a feast to choose from! bah!

stupid enflamed sack of herpal donkey piss! i hate mice!
tho i should explain that it's just mice who are running free in my bought and paid for food! other random wild mice or mice in captivity are okay with me. it's just the damn mice that eat my damn rice! (i'm a poet and...)
i had the most awesome of awesomest nights out last night. i went out to the Gar with the most sexy Lynnailove and the ever so hansome Cool_Spot. there was plenty of dancing, and knee scatching and tattoo showing off-ing! it was wonderfull!
i am a very happy Minx.
i really do have the best friends...

i've realized again today how awesome it is to read your testimonials in your testimonials section...
it brings your spirits up every time!

good plan. enjoy the caulk 

Get some mothballs and put them where ever the mice lurk. It won't kill them but they hate the smell.