heart to hearts are wonderfull things.
especially when you end up talking for hours and end up the same place that you started out on.
my life has been full of timelines and "play it by ears" lately. geez! i want stuff now! now dammit! fine. i guess patience and time will be had... i know it's for the best in the end and everything i waited for will be fan-friggin-tastic-er than if i just got what i wanted now.
but damn does it suck that i don't have it RIGHT NOW!
people always take things for granted that they usually don't think are special.
today i realized the wonderfullness of not spitting up blood. daily i take for granted that i dont' do this. today i am happy that the blood to spit ratio has lessened.
i was totally going to just come home and go to bed seeing as i had to be up tomorrow morning early for a dentist's apt, but i still really wanted to go out.
still do.
i was |---| this close to calling up people and going out on the town anyways!
stupid weekend. being eaten up by my dentist. damn teeth! why do you have to suck so much and make me take you out of my mouth? damn you! damn you good!
as you can tell my life is exciting. full of school and work, and work, and school. did i mention work?
speaking of work... did you know that the student loans form for fulltime students doesn't have a catigory for "full time income" durring the school season? how does that make sence? i know plenty of people with full time jobs that go to school as well. that's weird.
so, i penciled it in anyways...
so, i should go to bed. and therefore i will. g'night y'all!
take care!
heart to hearts are wonderfull things.
especially when you end up talking for hours and end up the same place that you started out on.

my life has been full of timelines and "play it by ears" lately. geez! i want stuff now! now dammit! fine. i guess patience and time will be had... i know it's for the best in the end and everything i waited for will be fan-friggin-tastic-er than if i just got what i wanted now.
but damn does it suck that i don't have it RIGHT NOW!

people always take things for granted that they usually don't think are special.
today i realized the wonderfullness of not spitting up blood. daily i take for granted that i dont' do this. today i am happy that the blood to spit ratio has lessened.

i was totally going to just come home and go to bed seeing as i had to be up tomorrow morning early for a dentist's apt, but i still really wanted to go out.
still do.
i was |---| this close to calling up people and going out on the town anyways!
stupid weekend. being eaten up by my dentist. damn teeth! why do you have to suck so much and make me take you out of my mouth? damn you! damn you good!
as you can tell my life is exciting. full of school and work, and work, and school. did i mention work?
speaking of work... did you know that the student loans form for fulltime students doesn't have a catigory for "full time income" durring the school season? how does that make sence? i know plenty of people with full time jobs that go to school as well. that's weird.

so, i should go to bed. and therefore i will. g'night y'all!
take care!

no, not so dormant at all. busy busy, as always.
More to the hell rant was added.