Well, things are going. Not exactly as quickly as I originally planned, but going none the less. Packing is WAY behind schedule, and my final project is falling into place slowly but steadily. Man I hate being sick. It took me out for a few good long days during this crunch period and that's what set me back. Bah humbug.
Okay, and minor rant:
If I'm working on a project and its due in a week, I am obviously STILL working on it. (there is always room for improvement, even if it was 'done') The thing isn't painted, nor is any of the pieces in it finished. No, it's not F'ing done! So, please, Miss Professor, DON'T send me a message telling me about all the things that SHOULD be done. I'm getting there! I have a friggin week! Oh, and maybe you should tell me BEFORE I'm 70% done, that you don't like half of what I've done. Maybe. Because you know what? I don't have the time to do that now. You know why? Because we only have a week! And re-doing a final project that we've been working on for the last two months, in a week is NOT happening. Fuck off. The same way you should have told the other girl in the class that her project what not feasible before last week. Who gets to start over? She does! Why do you insist on being such a big retard? Gawd!
I love my major, but the design professors sure know how to be royal jerkoffs! Sometimes "our" design really is "their design in our writing". I understand the phenomenon of professors wanting you to regurgitate information, but I NEVER thought that would hold true to a DESIGN class. How do you regurgitate an original work? WTF?
Alright. So back to the ballgame. I have costume renderings that won't do themselves
Take care!
~ Minx ~
Okay, and minor rant:
If I'm working on a project and its due in a week, I am obviously STILL working on it. (there is always room for improvement, even if it was 'done') The thing isn't painted, nor is any of the pieces in it finished. No, it's not F'ing done! So, please, Miss Professor, DON'T send me a message telling me about all the things that SHOULD be done. I'm getting there! I have a friggin week! Oh, and maybe you should tell me BEFORE I'm 70% done, that you don't like half of what I've done. Maybe. Because you know what? I don't have the time to do that now. You know why? Because we only have a week! And re-doing a final project that we've been working on for the last two months, in a week is NOT happening. Fuck off. The same way you should have told the other girl in the class that her project what not feasible before last week. Who gets to start over? She does! Why do you insist on being such a big retard? Gawd!
I love my major, but the design professors sure know how to be royal jerkoffs! Sometimes "our" design really is "their design in our writing". I understand the phenomenon of professors wanting you to regurgitate information, but I NEVER thought that would hold true to a DESIGN class. How do you regurgitate an original work? WTF?
Alright. So back to the ballgame. I have costume renderings that won't do themselves

Take care!
~ Minx ~
Shoulda come out on Saturday night. Could have gotten your drunk on. That gets everyone working harder and more smoothly. That's why it's redomended that after heavy drinking one should follow up with operation of heavy machinary. That's how it goes right?
hey u, so we are meeting for sushi again...april 12th at michi around 7...hope to see you there