I was reading Tex's journal and it got me to thinking about my own reasons for not posing for SG. It's the same thing that she says in her rant, I don't want to do anything for the money. There was a point in time that I wanted to pose for SG for the creative control and for the freedom but since SG switched their format to "pinup porn" it's not my stick anymore. I liked when they encouraged you NOT to show any naughty bits, just your form/figure. Now they won't accept a set that doesn't have a shot from behind I think this is ridiculous but I guess money corrupts and there is plenty of that rolling in as SG whores themselves out to any Tom, Dick or Harry who'll have them.
I love the community of the site, but even that is lacking as of late. What happened to the good ol'days when we actually got together for SG events? Remember the crazy drink-up at DepairFactor's house? Or even the penis-table party at Earls? Why can't we make time for each other anymore? We don't even comment on each other's journals like we use to. I remember when I'd make a comment about something random like my socks not matching and I'd get two pages of post and conversation. Now my whole family could die in front of me and I feel as though I might get two or three replies wtf?
Bah, maybe I'm just having a bitter sorta moment, but it all spawned from that journal.
~ Minxy ~

Without this place I wouldn't have my Regina peeps. That's what it is to me. And that's no shit why I try to stop in a couple of times a day. I love you fuckers, fag, dykes and bitches. And I mean all those in the nicest and most charming turn you all on way possible. Seriously. Loves yah toots.

Heh. I remember the penis-table party. Them's were some good times, yo. And while SG maybe hasn't been as awesome as it could've been, I did end meeting some damn cool people through it (yourself, for instance!), so really, I can't complain too loud.