I was cleaning out my webpage space and deleting things I didn't need anymore...
During which I stumbled upon this: Adopt A Minx!
I'm a web-page genius!!
I'm feeling a lot better than before. I hate feeling down, but I think it's from the funk I've been feeling due to the crappy-at-best weather...
that and x-mas usually leaves me broke, which also leads to the depressed. But, ya, that's mostly done now. So I'm feeling a ton better.
Plus I got my smoochy on with a very pretty girl this weekend! (How could that not make one giddy!?!)
On a completely different note...
I finished the 7th season of Buffy today.
Yay for me!! It's the awesome. Well done Joss, well done!
Oh, and go check out Mariana's Trench.

They are awesome! And Canadian! And deserve your love! Go love them! Now!
Take care all!
During which I stumbled upon this: Adopt A Minx!
I'm a web-page genius!!
I'm feeling a lot better than before. I hate feeling down, but I think it's from the funk I've been feeling due to the crappy-at-best weather...

Plus I got my smoochy on with a very pretty girl this weekend! (How could that not make one giddy!?!)
On a completely different note...
I finished the 7th season of Buffy today.
Yay for me!! It's the awesome. Well done Joss, well done!
Oh, and go check out Mariana's Trench.

They are awesome! And Canadian! And deserve your love! Go love them! Now!
Take care all!

Roofus left last night to live with his new family. I'm sure they will love him, but can't possibly love him as much as I did. He's such a suck, that kitten!
I hope you have a fabulously Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I hope that we can get together again sometime soon, maybe early in the New Year? We may even have to bring out the camera and take some pics!
Merry Christmas sweetie!