Wow. I'm so bad at this whole "updating" thing eh?
Herm, what is there to tell the masses?
Well, me and Miss Lynnailove hung out a couple of weekends ago. We had so good old fun at the queer bar and ditched her boyfriend for a girls' night out! Yay! It was good times. Much dancing was had by all!

Last week my ladies and I went to a belly dance demonstration at the exchange as part of the Infringement Festival here in the city. It was fun to dance a bit again (seeing as they had open circle after and before their performance).
It was stupid fun.
And then us ladies went out to Humpty's and had coffee/eats. It was awesome. We had so much fun freaking out the "norms".
Who'da thunk that getting a bunch of Bi ladies together in a public place would cause so many funny looks?
We were sitting outside attempting to part ways and I was taking a picture of the girls seeing as we never really get everyone together in the same place often. And as it turned out it was "Hottie Blue-Hair's" (names were omitted to protect the innocent) first time at a Humpty's restaurant... so I guess we were celebrating taking her Humpty's virginity too...

There was a lady walking into the restaurant when she saw me snap the first picture and offered to snap one with all of us in it. TOPAZ!!
Look at us! We are SO hardcore!

And then today I bought a new toy...

I'm so happy!
I can't wait to get it installed!!
And cuz I'm in a picture mood:
Smexy SG Ladies @ O'Hanlon's

Now I'm off to get ready to go out with my ladies again tonight...
I'll update with the shenanigans later...
Herm, what is there to tell the masses?
Well, me and Miss Lynnailove hung out a couple of weekends ago. We had so good old fun at the queer bar and ditched her boyfriend for a girls' night out! Yay! It was good times. Much dancing was had by all!

Last week my ladies and I went to a belly dance demonstration at the exchange as part of the Infringement Festival here in the city. It was fun to dance a bit again (seeing as they had open circle after and before their performance).
It was stupid fun.
And then us ladies went out to Humpty's and had coffee/eats. It was awesome. We had so much fun freaking out the "norms".

We were sitting outside attempting to part ways and I was taking a picture of the girls seeing as we never really get everyone together in the same place often. And as it turned out it was "Hottie Blue-Hair's" (names were omitted to protect the innocent) first time at a Humpty's restaurant... so I guess we were celebrating taking her Humpty's virginity too...

There was a lady walking into the restaurant when she saw me snap the first picture and offered to snap one with all of us in it. TOPAZ!!
Look at us! We are SO hardcore!

And then today I bought a new toy...

I'm so happy!
I can't wait to get it installed!!
And cuz I'm in a picture mood:
Smexy SG Ladies @ O'Hanlon's

Now I'm off to get ready to go out with my ladies again tonight...
I'll update with the shenanigans later...

awww thanks 

cute pics. thanks