Work hard, play hard.
Tis the life of a Minx lately.
It's a hard life I know.
Last night was super tons of fun!
Trick and I did our "striptease" number again at the Gay Bar. It was awesome. Good times were had. I got beverages bought for me all night which was awesome. Awesome and INTOXICATING. I got drrr-unk for the first time in ages (I think since new years...)! It was very nice. I had some great company and met some more really great people. It was all and all a great night!
I got abducted by pirates last night.
How many times can one say that?
I got abducted by pirates and got straight-jacketed and netted and taken out of the gay bar.
They took me to their pirate ship and I partied my ass off.
I admit I was a bit of a kissing whore last night... I ended up making out with one of my closest gay guy friends. Like, A LOT. This was some X rated sorta kissing. And then beyond that I made out with an old female friend of mine too. (And I actually found out that she thought I was hot, which totally blew my mind cuz for the longest time I thought she didn't like me all that much...) I also kissed a guy friend of mine that I just really started to get to know this last sorta week. He's a really awesome guy and not a shabby kisser either!
It's too bad suitsme had to leave early so he could sleep before work.
And now, tonight after work I'm going out with people from work to one of our (former?) co-workers goodbye party. Today is his last day, and we will miss him a lot! And we'll all get drunk in his honour tonight.
Oh, god! I can't fucking wait till Connect!
Holy fucking hell! I really can't fucking wait! It's going to be fucking awesome!!
I hope everyone had as great a weekend as I did/will!

Work hard, play hard.
Tis the life of a Minx lately.
It's a hard life I know.

Last night was super tons of fun!
Trick and I did our "striptease" number again at the Gay Bar. It was awesome. Good times were had. I got beverages bought for me all night which was awesome. Awesome and INTOXICATING. I got drrr-unk for the first time in ages (I think since new years...)! It was very nice. I had some great company and met some more really great people. It was all and all a great night!
I got abducted by pirates last night.
How many times can one say that?
I got abducted by pirates and got straight-jacketed and netted and taken out of the gay bar.
They took me to their pirate ship and I partied my ass off.
I admit I was a bit of a kissing whore last night... I ended up making out with one of my closest gay guy friends. Like, A LOT. This was some X rated sorta kissing. And then beyond that I made out with an old female friend of mine too. (And I actually found out that she thought I was hot, which totally blew my mind cuz for the longest time I thought she didn't like me all that much...) I also kissed a guy friend of mine that I just really started to get to know this last sorta week. He's a really awesome guy and not a shabby kisser either!

It's too bad suitsme had to leave early so he could sleep before work.

And now, tonight after work I'm going out with people from work to one of our (former?) co-workers goodbye party. Today is his last day, and we will miss him a lot! And we'll all get drunk in his honour tonight.

Oh, god! I can't fucking wait till Connect!
Holy fucking hell! I really can't fucking wait! It's going to be fucking awesome!!
I hope everyone had as great a weekend as I did/will!
