Today at work I had a table of a mom a dad and two kids (one a baby and one a toddler). The toddler was screaming its lungs out the whole time it was there and the parents hardly did anything to get it to stop. I was a perfect server to their table and even went out of my way to help calm the kid down enough so I could care my bleeding ears. And, at the end of their adventure at BP's the kid pukes all over himself, the booster seat and the floor! Mom goes to clean him up and when she comes back they leave, leaving me with the puke to clean up! Dont worry; they left a tip for their $40 bill and all the trouble they caused... two bucks. Ya, thanks lady. Would you like to slash my tires on the way out too? Cuz you sure just spit in my face.
In other news one of the girls I like called me "cute".

So, on Sunday I was supposed to work the before-supper shift at BPs. I was going to leave at 5 (cuz thats when my shift ended) but I got convince into staying to do a large-party in the raise. Ive never done a really large part before (12 ppl tops) so the group of 35 was a bit intimidating but I handled it really well and I was able to rock out the party single-handedly and with no screw-ups! I was so frigging happy! And I made off with a killer amount in tips from the hour and a half worth of work I put into it.
This makes me ber happy for two reasons: one cuz I proved to my bosses that I am worth keeping around (Im in the last few weeks of my probationary period and therefore in the most stressful part of the beginning of a job) and two, cuz I proved to myself that I can do it!! So, even if worse comes to worse and they dont end up keeping me around I know I did everything I could to be the best I could be.
On a completely different note: the couple that is/was breaking up is no longer doing so. Hes staying with her cheating ass cuz of this weird disease he has called love. I dont get it personally. Ive been cured of this bug for many moons now (and doing fine!) Meh. Not my battle. I DID however accidentally call her a whore today, and didnt even mean too. A generic not everyone waits to be single to have friends with benefits comment popped out whilst I was having a conversation around her today and I dont think Ive seen someone go from 0 to pissed in such a short period of time. Remember kids, she couldnt help herself its not her fault for cheating! (Multiple times
Tee-hee. Im sort of evil. But I do think that she deserved it.
Felt a little guilty afterwards cuz technically I dont know thats what she and her boy were/are fighting about. But, ya, I totally do. *evil grin*
Well, thats about all the news in my world today.

In other news one of the girls I like called me "cute".

So, on Sunday I was supposed to work the before-supper shift at BPs. I was going to leave at 5 (cuz thats when my shift ended) but I got convince into staying to do a large-party in the raise. Ive never done a really large part before (12 ppl tops) so the group of 35 was a bit intimidating but I handled it really well and I was able to rock out the party single-handedly and with no screw-ups! I was so frigging happy! And I made off with a killer amount in tips from the hour and a half worth of work I put into it.

This makes me ber happy for two reasons: one cuz I proved to my bosses that I am worth keeping around (Im in the last few weeks of my probationary period and therefore in the most stressful part of the beginning of a job) and two, cuz I proved to myself that I can do it!! So, even if worse comes to worse and they dont end up keeping me around I know I did everything I could to be the best I could be.

On a completely different note: the couple that is/was breaking up is no longer doing so. Hes staying with her cheating ass cuz of this weird disease he has called love. I dont get it personally. Ive been cured of this bug for many moons now (and doing fine!) Meh. Not my battle. I DID however accidentally call her a whore today, and didnt even mean too. A generic not everyone waits to be single to have friends with benefits comment popped out whilst I was having a conversation around her today and I dont think Ive seen someone go from 0 to pissed in such a short period of time. Remember kids, she couldnt help herself its not her fault for cheating! (Multiple times

Tee-hee. Im sort of evil. But I do think that she deserved it.
Felt a little guilty afterwards cuz technically I dont know thats what she and her boy were/are fighting about. But, ya, I totally do. *evil grin*
Well, thats about all the news in my world today.

Mannnnnnnnnnnnn I need to get to Regina....
I totally still owe you for those drinks.. I'll hafta take you out for drinks or lunch sumtime